[정치]North Korea has increased missile brigades… has new missiles deployed?


It has been shown that the North Korean military has significantly increased its missile brigades under the strategic forces operating various ballistic missiles.

This is what the Ministry of Defense revealed in the 2020 Defense White Paper.In the case of ROK-US combined exercises, ground training decreased in the aftermath of Corona 19, while naval-air force training increased.

Reporter Kim Moon-kyung reports.


In 2018, the number of missile brigades in North Korea increased from only nine to thirteen.

This is what the Ministry of Defense said in the 2020 Defense White Paper.

The Missile Brigade is a subordinate unit of the North Korean Strategic Army classified as a separate independent army in 2012.

As new North Korean missiles, such as Iskander-class missiles and Mars-series medium-range ballistic missiles, are deployed in combat, the number of related units appears to have increased.

[신종우 / 국방안보포럼 사무국장 : 추가로 늘어난 미사일 기지는 북중 접경지역에 주로 위치한 것으로 보이는데요, 중장거리 미사일을 운용하기 위한 기지가 아닌가 판단됩니다.]

However, the number of air force trainers decreased from 170 units in 2018 to 80 units, and it was confirmed that the deterioration of the air force’s power is continuing.

In the midst of this, whether the impact of Corona 19 was affected by the ROK-US joint training last year, there was a big difference between each military group.

In the case of the Army and Marine Corps, the combined exercises between the ROK and the United States, which were 89 and 25 respectively in 201, decreased sharply to 29 and 7 times last year.

However, the Navy, which mainly does non-face-to-face training, increased from 68 times in 2019 to 75 times last year, and the Air Force from 18 times in 2019 to 66 times last year.

The military forces on both sides, as shown in the Defense White Paper, still showed more than double the gap.

Unlike our military, which decreased from 599,000 in 2018 to 555,000 last year, North Korea maintained a military force of about 1.28 million.

Unlike North Korea, which is inferior in the standing military, but is aging equipment excluding missiles, the Korean military has been evaluated as superior to the North Korean military in terms of qualitative power by continuously introducing advanced weapons.

YTN Kim Moon-kyung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
