[정치]North Korea “consideration of South Korea issues…Expansion of foreign relations”


North Korea announced at the 8th Party Congress that it had discussed measures to expand and develop foreign relations with the South.

Again, I did not disclose specific details, but I am interested in whether it will be revealed in the announcement of the final decision tomorrow.

We will connect reporters to learn more. Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung!

The North Korean Party Congress today is continuing its schedule for the fourth day, and yesterday’s report discussed the issue with South Korea?


Yes, North Korea said yesterday, on the third day of the 8th Party Congress, that it reviewed the issue with South Korea and discussed ways to expand and develop external relations.

Chosun JoongAng TV started regular broadcasting from 9 o’clock as early as today and delivered news related to the party conference.

Let’s listen to the related part first.

[조선중앙TV : 보고는 조성된 형세와 변천된 시대적 요구에 맞게 대남문제를 고찰하였으며 대외관계를 전면적으로 확대 발전시키기 위한 우리 당의 총적 방향과 정책적 입장을 천명했습니다.]

However, it did not reveal specific details about the direction of development of the South Korean issue or external relations.

Experts analyzed that it seems that North Korea will have discussed how to lead relations with South Korea in the context of the corona, prolonged sanctions against North Korea, and the launch of the US Biden administration.

It is interpreted that the development of expansion of external relations is based on the improvement of relations not only with the Biden administration but also with China, Russia and other friendly countries.

In addition, North Korea said it has also proposed ways to revolutionize all areas of socialist culture, including education, health care, literature and art.

In particular, they pointed out that the youth alliance and other working groups were unable to fulfill their duties, and said that they discussed issues necessary to strengthen socialist construction.

In addition, he emphasized the spirit of self-awareness and progressive struggle, saying that if you cannot get out of the schema, rigidity, and old-fashioned attitude, you cannot overcome difficulties.

The newspaper added that the participants of the party were seriously listening to Chairman Kim’s report and overflowing with revolutionary enthusiasm to achieve real results and innovation.


North Korea hasn’t made it official, but isn’t it the birthday of Chairman Kim Jong-un? By the way, are you saying that the party conference continues today?


That’s right.

North Korea announced that’the conference will continue’, and it was announced that the 8th party conference will continue today, the fourth day.

As today is Chairman Kim Jong-un’s birthday, the possibility of adopting the party convention decision and holding a fervor has been raised, but considering the remaining agendas, the convention is expected to continue tomorrow.

The 8th Party Congress in North Korea started with an opening remark by Chairman Kim Jong-un on the 5th and discussed the socialist construction sector.

On the 2nd day, we discussed strengthening national defense and major economic sectors, and on the 3rd, yesterday, we discussed education, health, culture, issues with South Korea, and external relations.

Today, after comprehensive discussion of the issues discussed over the past three days and adoption of the decision, it is expected that the party will revise the party’s rules and conduct elections for the central leadership.

It is expected that around the next 10th, a large-scale rally will be held and a feverish ceremony will be held like the 7th party convention.

The government authorities are keeping an eye on the trends, keeping an eye on what the North Korean position is on South Korea.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
