[정치]North Korea “8th Party Congress Representatives Gather in Pyongyang”… Possibility to hold the first day of the new year


The 8th Party Congress in North Korea appears to be imminent.

It is said that North Korea has already convened representatives to attend the party conference in Pyongyang, the capital, and has held a ceremony for presenting a representative certificate.

The possibility of opening today as early as possible cannot be ruled out.

Reporter Jung Yu-jin reports.


It has been said that North Korea has awarded representative certificates to representatives attending the 8th Party Congress.

Representatives have already gathered in Pyongyang, the capital, and a presentation ceremony was held under the presidency of Kim Jae-ryong, chairman of the party preparation committee.

They also reported that they had been to documentary films and art exhibitions.

[조선중앙TV : 성스러운 우리 당 마크가 부각되어 눈부신 빛을 뿌리는 조선로동당 제8차 대회 대표증이 참가자들에게 수여되었습니다.]

The fact that the representatives that North Korea usually convenes three or four days before the party conference already gathered in Pyongyang means that the party conference is imminent.

This is because the party convention may be held as early as the first day of the year, today or tomorrow.

This observation is weighing on as Chairman Kim Jong-un, who has often made an unprecedented move, such as starting at midnight after breaking the expectations of the Fever ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the party in October.

[조성렬 / 국가안보전략연구원 자문연구위원 : (2020년이) 상당히 어려운 해였기 때문에 김정은이 분위기 쇄신 차원에서 정초부터 당 대회를 열어서 모든 관심을 그쪽으로 집중하려고 하는 게 아닌가…. 새로운 노선을 확실히 정립했고 2021년을 새로운 출발점으로 삼는….]

The 7th Party Congress held in 2016 marked the finale with a large-scale rally after four days, so it is expected that a rally including a small-scale fervor will be held this time after the tournament for three or four days.

However, in consideration of the corona situation, etc., the size of the contest participants, which exceeded 5,000 audiences in the 7th round, may be reduced or adjusted.

In particular, Chairman Kim is attracting attention as it is highly likely to present North Korea’s new routes and policies toward South Korea and the United States through a report on the first day of the tournament instead of omitting the New Year’s address.

This is YTN Jeong Yujin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
