[정치]Nak-Yeon Lee “Beyond the line of leaders of the people’s strength…


In addition, the Democratic Party’s leader Nak-yeon Lee strongly criticized that he should take responsibility for false claims, saying that he has crossed the line that should not be crossed toward the leadership of the people’s strength, which has recently launched an offensive over the suspicion of North Korea’s nuclear power plant construction.

However, the people’s strength is in an atmosphere of continuing the offensive, such as asking the Blue House and the government to investigate the state affairs, asking whether a government official from the Ministry of Industry did such a review alone.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Kim Joo-young!

The Blue House and the government are strongly refuting the suspicion of promoting North Korea construction.

Representative Lee Nak-yeon also aimed directly at the opposition leadership, right?


This morning, Democratic Party leader Nak-yeon Lee gave a speech from the bargaining organization.

This is the content from this seat.

Representative Lee pointed out that the leaders of the people’s strength who raised suspicions about the construction of North Korean nuclear power plants have crossed the line that cannot be crossed, and that it is natural to take heavy responsibility for false claims.

Let’s listen to CEO Lee’s words.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 대통령이 이적행위를 했다고까지 주장했습니다. 야당은 완벽하게 잘못 짚었고, 묵과할 수 없는 공격을 대통령께 가했습니다. 야당은 거짓 주장에 대해 책임을 져야 마땅합니다.]

He then explained that he served as prime minister in 2018, when the inter-Korean summit was held, and that although he received reports of important information, the North Korean nuclear power plant was not discussed at the inter-Korean summit.

In addition, President Moon Jae-in at the time also said that the relevant agencies had ordered not to go ahead in the measures related to the inter-Korean summit.

However, the people’s strength is the atmosphere that will continue the offensive toward the Blue House and the government.

First of all, there are many doubts about who ordered the North Korean nuclear power plant construction document and how far it was reported, and that a state affairs investigation is necessary.

Spokesman Choi Hyung-du made a comment right after the speech and urged the ruling party leader, who threatened the 1st opposition party, to stop blasphemy.

Rep. Seong Il-jong, a member of the party’s non-committee, continued to raise suspicions that the North Korean nuclear power plant-related document, which was released on a radio broadcast today, was made by the government, and which public official could make it with personal opinion.

[성일종 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원 (MBC 라디오 김종배의 시선집중 중) : 문제가 없다면 왜 파기를 했겠어요. 그냥 놔뒀어야 된다. 그렇기 때문에 이 문제에 대해서 명확하게 해명을 하면 되는 겁니다. 저는 이 해명하는 게 정부 책임이라고 생각합니다.]


It is also of interest to provide additional support to the people affected by Corona 19. CEO Nak-yeon Lee also mentioned this.


CEO Nak-Yeon Lee said in his morning speech that he would prepare the 4th disaster support fund.

This is the first time that CEO Lee specifically mentioned the preparation of the 4th disaster support fund.

Representative Lee explained that he will organize a sufficient size of supplementary administration for this purpose, and that he will discuss screening and universal support together.

However, he added that the timing of the provision of universal support for the whole country will be decided while examining the corona trend.

At the same time, CEO Lee emphasized that solidarity and cooperation are necessary for public welfare and economic recovery, and once again suggested plans for win-win solidarity, such as the loss compensation system for operating restrictions, the cooperative profit sharing system, and the Social Solidarity Fund.

In addition, he mentioned the future vision, such as income support for each life cycle, comprehensive care and medical security system, saying that the social safety net should be expanded in the long term.

YTN Kim Joo-young at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
