[정치]Na Gyeong-won “Independence, marriage and childbirth in Seoul, a total of 117 million won”

People’s Power Na Gyeong-won, mayor of Seoul, has pledged to provide subsidies of a total of 117 million won if he marries after becoming independent in Seoul and gives birth to children.

On the 5th, Candidate Na held a press conference on real estate measures at the National Assembly and said, “I tried to come up with real estate measures that are feasible, citizen-centered, and speedy.”

Candidate Na said that he would provide 45 million won for marriage and an additional 45 million won for childbirth.

In addition, he explained that he will pay 100% of the initial loan interest for young people under the age of 39 and with an annual income of less than 70 million won, married couples within 7 years of marriage, newlyweds, and households with children under 6 years of age.

The amount of 100% interest support is up to 300 million won for young people and 500 million won for newlyweds. If you calculate the maximum interest, it is 27 million won, which the city will bear.

Through this, the goal is to realize the dream of’preparing my home’ for common people.

In addition, Candidate Na promised to raise the standard for expensive housing in Seoul from 900 million won to 1.2 billion won. He emphasized that the publicly available real estate price will also be frozen at 70% of the actual transaction price.

Through this, it said that it would reduce the property tax for one household and one house with a public price of 1.2 billion won or less to 50%. In addition, he explained that long-term housing owners will reduce the comprehensive real estate tax and reduce the capital gains tax from less than 900 million won to less than 1.2 billion won.

In addition, Candidate Na made pledges to bridge the gap between Gangnam and Gangbuk, revitalize reconstruction and redevelopment, and supply 70,000 houses per year and 700,000 houses for 10 years.

YTN PLUS Reporter Ji-Young Moon ([email protected])

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
