[정치]”MB NIS, local government heads are also illegal inspections”…

Bae Jin-kyo, MB NIS document released on local government
“Malicious enough to surpass imagination”… Notice of legal response
The opposition and opposition parties over illegal temples under the NIS are also intensifying


The controversy over illegal inspections by the Lee Myung-bak government’s National Intelligence Service is growing, with documents containing inspections on local government heads being released.

In addition, the Democratic Party and the people’s power are continuing their political battles, taking into account the time when they each took power.

This is reporter Lee Kyung-guk.


This is an inspection document from the National Intelligence Service received by the Justice Party lawmaker Jinkyo Bae for requesting information disclosure.

It was written in September 2011, when Rep. Bae was the former head of Namdong-gu, Incheon. First, it is written that some opposition local government heads need to be actively’control’ as they go against the state policy.

There is also a phrase saying that they are trying to divide the national opinion and the content that they are devoted to instilling consciousness of North Korea and promoting anti-American sentiment.

He wrote that he would push for multifaceted sanctions, saying that he would dazzle the residents with populism policies and projects against North Korea. He stated as a plan not only to cut the budget but also to create criticism through conservative groups.

Rep. Bae, who is the party, foreshadowed a legal response, saying that it was too detailed and malicious beyond imagination.

[배진교 / 정의당 의원 : 지자체장에게도 이렇게 사찰이 이뤄지고 이념의 칼날을 들이댔는데, 힘없는 일반 국민에게는 어땠겠습니까.]

The battles of the opposition parties surrounding this are also intensifying.

The Democratic Party has initiated a special resolution to urge the disclosure of information on the temples, including the leadership, and emphasized that the Park Geun-hye administration, beyond the Lee Myung-bak administration, should also check for illegal inspections.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 국정원장은 박근혜 정부 시기, (사찰) 중단 지시가 있었는지 확인했지 못했기 때문에 지속했을 개연성이 있다(고 보고했습니다). 불법 사찰의 진상을 철저하게 규명하겠습니다.]

The power of the people is confronting the need to investigate suspicions of inspectors during the Democratic Party’s regime.

In particular, during the Kim Dae-jung administration, which was convicted by the court, the National Intelligence Service was involved in illegal interception, and Park Ji-won pointed out that the National Intelligence Service Commissioner said that there was no inspection at the time of the Kim Dae-jung administration, and criticized it as a political work.

[박민식 / 국민의힘 부산시장 예비후보 : 새빨간 거짓말을 하면서 12년 전 이명박 정부 당시의 사찰을 운운하고 있는 겁니다. 국정원은 더는 정치에 개입하지 마십시오.]

The controversy over illegal inspections that erupted ahead of the re-election in April began to take on a political battle.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
