[정치]LH staff’s repetitive deviance


Although suspicions of speculation by LH employees are known, there is controversy, but in fact, this is not the first time that LH employees deviate using information on new city development.

Although it is a deviation that adversely affects the real life of the people in that it encourages the increase in house prices, the legal network was only lax.

This is reporter Lee Jung-mi.


[YTN 뉴스 출발 (2018년 10월 31일) : 유력 후보지의 개발 정보가 사전 유출된 정황이 YTN 취재 결과 드러났습니다.]

In 2018, when YTN reported that plans for the 3rd new town in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province were leaked, LH discovered that they did not know.

[이현재 / 당시 자유한국당 의원 (2018년 11월) : 이런 것을 언제 알았습니까?]

[박상우 / 당시 LH 사장 (2018년 11월) : 네, YTN이 취재를 시작할 때 알았습니다.]

[이현재 / 당시 자유한국당 의원 (2018년 11월) : 그전에는 전혀 몰랐습니까?]

[박상우 / 당시 LH 사장 (2018년 11월) : 그전에는 몰랐습니다. 저뿐만 아니라 저희 조직이 다….]

However, it turned out that no action was taken even after receiving several reports that the drawings had been leaked five months ago.

After the report, it was confirmed through a self-audit that LH employees had directly leaked it, but the disposition was also a warning.

[김은혜 / 국민의힘 의원 : 개발계획과 관련한 그런 정보와 관련해서 재산 취득을 한 부분에 대한 정기적인 감사가 없었어요. 이 비만 지나면 된다, 소나기만 피하고 보자는 심산이 차곡차곡 쌓였던 것 같습니다.]

This is why there are concerns that the results will not be significantly different even if the full investigation of allegations of speculation this time.

Moreover, severe punishment is not easy under the current law.

The Special Act on Public Housing or the Anti-Corruption Act is applied, and punishment is only possible if it is strictly proved that it is’information or confidentiality acquired during business processing’.

If you claim that it wasn’t work-related because it’s another department, there’s a hole out of it.

[서성민 / 민변 민생경제위원회 변호사 : 비밀이 뭔지에 대해서 범위가 너무 협소하게 적용되는 면이 있어서요. 징계만 받고 끝나는 경우가 많이 있습니다.]

It is positive that the politicians started to amend the law, even if it was late.

Under the Public Officials Ethics Act, we have decided to manage and supervise the changes in the property of public corporations who are in charge of development, and even come up with a bill to confiscate profits if it turns out to be speculation.

But the key is to broaden your coverage of work-related information.

It is worth noting that stock traders have already applied a wide range of regulations on inside information, penalizing them for acquiring stocks, and penalizing fines.

YTN Lee Jeong-mi[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
