[정치]Lee Nak-yeon “Deeply apologizes to the victims of Park Won-soon incident”…


In connection with the late Mayor Park Won-soon’s sexual harassment case, the Democratic Party’s representative Lee Nak-yeon officially apologized to the victims and their families.

The Justice Party held an emergency countermeasure meeting after the party’s representative was sexually assaulted, and then began to prepare future countermeasures, such as whether the by-election was not nominated.

Let’s connect reporters. Reporter Kim Joo-young!

Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon once again apologized for the former Mayor Park Won-soon case?


That’s right. Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon said at the party’s highest meeting this morning that he once again deeply apologizes to the victims for taking the results of the National Human Rights Commission’s investigation into the late Mayor Park Won-soon case.

Let’s listen to CEO Lee.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 피해자와 가족들께 다시 한 번 깊이 사과드립니다. 피해자께서 2차 피해 없이 일상을 회복하실 수 있도록 저희들 나름대로 최선을 다하겠습니다.]

Representative Lee also promised to continue to provide gender equality education within the party and to block the issue of sexual misconduct within the party.

At the legislative level, he emphasized that penalties will be strengthened even by revising the relevant laws on sexual crimes in power.

However, criticism continues to apologize, centering on opposition such as the power of the people.

In addition, Kim Jong-in, Chairman of the Emergency Response Committee, the power of the people, met with reporters this morning and criticized that the Democratic Party, who refused to give up a candidate for the election if such a problem arises in the first place, will correct the party constitution.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : (민주당은) 이런 문제가 발생하면 후보도 내지 않겠다고 한 사람들이 상황에 따라서 또 적당히 당헌을 고쳐서 나온면서도 그에 대해서 별다른 얘기를 안 하고 있기 때문에….]

In addition, as the Mayor of Seoul election in April, held in the case of Mayor Park, is approaching, the level of offensive in the opposition is expected to rise even further.


The Justice Party held the first emergency response meeting today regarding the sexual harassment case of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol, right?


Yes, the Justice Party held the first meeting today by holding an emergency response meeting co-representing Won-mi Kang and Yoon-ki Kim, acting representative of the party.

In relation to the sexual harassment incident of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol, we took responsibility for the incident and discussed measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

Let’s listen to CEO Won-nae Kang.

[강은미 / 정의당 원내대표 : 정의당은 비상대책회의를 통해 왜 당 전체가 성인지 감수성을 재고하지 못했는지, 조직문화가 왜 성 평등하게 자리 잡지 못했는지를 자성하겠습니다.]

Accordingly, at today’s meeting, it was decided to form a TF for improving the organizational culture for gender equality and a TF for the 4.7 re-election.

Measures to Improve Organizational Culture for Gender Equality The TF plans to comprehensively inspect the organizational culture related to gender equality within the party and come up with measures to prevent recurrence.

In addition, the 4·7 By-election TF is conducting discussions on by-elections, and it is also planning to decide whether to nominate for this by-election soon.


In the midst of this, Rep. Soo-jin Cho’s remarks from concubines were a problem. What is the content?


Yes, the power of the people Rep. Soo-jin Cho, along with his SNS, left a message for Democratic Party Rep. Kohn Jeong-jeong became a problem.

Rep. Cho said that the late Congressman was elected a member of the National Assembly with the power of living power, and ironically said that even if a concubine during the Joseon Dynasty gave birth to a prince, he would not have received such treatment.

Earlier, Congressman Goh criticized former Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon, who had become a preliminary candidate for Mayor of the People’s Power, and held an online war with opposition officials.

Rep. Cho pointed out that the late Rep. was frivolous and compared it to the concubine of the Joseon Dynasty.

The Democratic Party protested that it was an immediate and obvious sexual harassment statement.

Democrats also held a separate press conference, criticized that they had trampled on the character of fellow female lawmakers, and urged them to resign.

In response, Rep. Cho refuted that he was holding the tail of a horse and distorting it, saying it was the late Rep.

YTN Kim Joo-young at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
