[정치]Last-minute coordination with the U.S., China and the’Resumption of Dialogue’… U.S.-China conflict and North Korea provocative variables


Through recent Korea-US-Japan and Korea-China talks, the government has focused on delivering our initiative to resume denuclearization negotiations to the US and China.

We are interested in how much our opinion will be reflected in the results of the US policy review to be announced soon, and the increasingly severe conflict between the US and China and whether North Korea is provocative will be the variables of the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

This is reporter Kim Do-won.


After discussions with the heads of the three national security offices, Korea, the US and Japan, the head of the national security office, Seo Hoon, returned to Korea.

It was an event to convey the Korean government’s plan to resume dialogue through last-minute coordination while the US policy toward North Korea was in the final stage.

[서 훈 / 국가안보실장 : 대북제재도 비핵화 협상 진전과 발맞춰서 적절하게 검토돼야 되겠다, 뭐 이런 협의가 있었습니다.]

The North Korean nuclear issue was also taken seriously in the meetings of the diplomatic ministers of Korea and China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that they had long and honest opinions on how the countries concerned will lead cooperation in order to resume dialogue as soon as possible.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관(지난 3일) : 한반도 평화 프로세스가 실질적으로 진전해 나갈 수 있도록 중국 정부가 계속 건설적인 역할을 해주실 것을 요청드립니다.]

The conflict between the United States and China is in serious condition, but the government’s plan is that the North Korean nuclear issue can lead to cooperation between the United States and China.

However, it is unclear whether the US-China conflict will be possible as expected in a situation where it enters into a strategic level of competition.

Even in this consultation right now, the US emphasized strengthening solidarity based on democratic values, and China focused on the joint defense of multilateralism, and began to unite.

In addition, around Kim Il-Sung’s birthday next week, there is a concern that North Korea will launch missiles and other provocations on the basis of its right to self-defense, which is expected to be a watershed in the situation.

[박원곤 / 이화여대 북한학과 교수 : 중국이 한반도 평화와 한반도 비핵화에 방점을 찍는, 전체적인 내용을 보면 사실 상당히 북한의 입장을 반영한 내용들이 있거든요. 그렇게 된 상황에서 과연 북한이 지속적으로 도발을 할 것이냐…]

Amid fierce diplomatic wars over the Korean peninsula, the three countries are expected to finish coordinating North Korea policies at a meeting with foreign ministers held at the end of this month.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
