[정치]Kim Myung-soo apologizes for not doing anything but accusing “public oolong trick”


Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo, who was revealed to have lied about the process of refusing to accept the resignation of a judge who was involved in the Judicial Nongdan, apologized again by posting a statement, but rather, it was scratched and burned.

Conservative opposition parties are fiercely opposing it, including a different explanation from the transcripts at the time and clarifying their intention to refuse to resign.

Reporter Lee Yeon-ah reports.


On the day when Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo’s request for attendance in the National Assembly was rejected, members of the People’s Strength visited directly to protest and demanded to resign.

At the time, Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo indicated that he was willing to apologize or review attendance at the National Assembly.

[조수진 / 국민의힘 의원 (지난 17일) : 전혀 사퇴할 생각은 없다면서도 대국민 사과 기자회견, 국회 출석 등에 대해서는 검토하겠다고 했고요.]

Two days later, a statement containing the contents of the apology was actually posted on the court’s internal network, but the reaction was cold.

He mentioned that he was’careless’ to the answer that was already revealed as a lie,

This is because, although the transcript has already revealed that the resignation was not accepted in consideration of the political situation, the rapporteur in the political world explained that it is impossible.

The power of the people and the National Assembly, saying it was a trick to ridicule the people, pressed the resignation more strongly.

He did not have the courage to apologize in front of the public, and he said that he showed the cowardice of putting responsibility on others while posting on the internal network. He said that being the head of the judiciary was shameful.

[김기현 / 국민의힘 탄핵거래진상조사단장 : 거짓말을 했던 대법원장이 또다시 상습적으로 거짓말을 했습니다. 사과 같지도 않은 사과를 가지고 책임을 면탈하는 것은 허용되지 않습니다. 즉각 사퇴해야 마땅합니다.]

In the legal community, as the nature of the problem is judicial nongdan, there are voices of concern about the rise of lies, but some pointed out that the form or content of the apology was inappropriate.

The apology was again made after 15 days, but the result was unsuccessful as the reconfirmation of the position that the resignation was not allowed and other explanations were included in the transcript.

The opposition party’s request for resignation to Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo is likely to grow stronger.

YTN Lee Yeona[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
