[정치]Kim Jong-un, who appeared at the Pyongyang housing groundbreaking ceremony, made his first field trip this year…will Chinese aid to North Korea resume?


While North Korea’s low-intensity provocation was revealed, Chairman Kim Jong-un appeared at the groundbreaking ceremony for Pyongyang housing construction.

It emphasized the improvement of the treatment of the citizens of the capital, and directed the Award for the Affiliate Leader, and it seems that external help is indispensable to achieve the economic commitment.

Reporter Hwang Hye-kyung reports.


North Korea held a groundbreaking ceremony for building 10,000 houses in Pyongyang within this year.

Chairman of the State Council Kim Jong-un, who has been present since the 6th, also attended.

This is the first field trip this year.

Chairman Kim said that in order to provide more stable living conditions for the citizens of the capital city, he decided to build 50,000 houses within five years.

Despite severe challenges and obstacles, he emphasized that the country’s potential and creativity should be demonstrated by building distinctive high-rise houses.

[조선중앙TV : (김정은 위원장은) 오늘의 대 건설은 수도의 건설역사에 있어서도 기념비적인 의의를 가진다고 하시면서 당 중앙이 제일 먼저 믿는 인민군대가 건설투쟁에서도 자기의 전투적 기질을 남김없이 발휘하며….]

Despite the harsh conditions caused by sanctions against North Korea and the aftermath of Corona 19, he directed economic development and directed the patriarchal leader to examine the living conditions of residents.

However, North Korea is struggling with construction not only in the Pyongyang General Hospital, which promised to be completed by October last year, but also in the Wonsan Karma tourist area and Samjiyeon City.

This is because the prolonged border blockade blocked the way to bring in scarce raw materials and equipment.

However, if China’s aid to North Korea resumes as suggested in a recent oral letter between Chairman Kim and President Xi Jinping, there is room for breathing.

[전병곤 / 통일연구원 선임연구위원 : 코로나 상황이 좀 개선되고 하면 (북중 간) 더 많은, 활발한 지원과 교역이 있을 수 있고요. 미·중 간의 갈등 국면이 더 격화되고 상승한다면 북중 간 긴밀한 관계가, 교역이나 지원이 더 활발하게 전개될 가능성이 있습니다.]

Chairman Kim is focusing on economic development while strengthening diplomatic actions.

It is interpreted as part of the interpretation that an oral letter was sent in succession to Cuba and Vietnam, which are traditional allies following China, amid international criticism and isolation, such as diplomatic severance with Malaysia and the passage of the UN’s North Korean Human Rights Resolution.

Amid the declaration that it will not talk to the United States unless it withdraws its hostile policy, attention is being drawn to what will be the next card North Korea is holding ahead of the Biden administration’s announcement of a new policy toward North Korea.

This is YTN Hwang Hye-kyung.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
