[정치]Justice Party organizes a contingent TF in April… “Discussion with no nominations open”

Justice Party, “Priority on Recurrence Prevention Measures” at First Emergency Response Meeting
Gender equality TF composition… ‘Strict response’ by receiving reports of secondary abuse
Whether or not to be nominated for the April by-election,’Seriously’… Disagree


The Justice Party is contemplating how to respond to the re-election in April after the sexual harassment of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol.

As this election has been defined as a’gender election’, opinions within the party are divided over whether or not a candidate will be issued.

The Justice Party is discussing all options, including the possibility of setting up a relevant TF and no candidate.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


The Justice Party focused on preparing measures to prevent recurrence above all at the first emergency response meeting after the party’s sexual harassment incident.

He stressed that establishing a gender equality organizational culture in the party is the starting point for the renewal.

[강은미 / 정의당 원내대표 : 재발방지 대책을 마련해 성 평등한 시스템을 정착시키기 위해 밑바닥부터 철저하고 단호하게 대응해 나가겠습니다.]

To this end, we decided to set up a related TF in the party and deal with the principle of zero tolerance.

In addition, in order for the victims to return to their daily lives, we have received a second report of abuse related to this incident and decided to take strict measures at the party level.

However, when it comes to responding to the re-election in April, it is difficult to determine the direction easily.

The point of concern is that this election is a’gender election’ held by the heads of local governments belonging to the Democratic Party.

The opinion that the Justice Party should not make a nomination this time in order to reflect on the party’s representative sexual harassment case,

As the current situation is different from the Democratic Party, which is directly responsible for the by-election, there are mixed opinions that the nomination of candidates should be viewed as a separate issue.

It should also be considered that there are parties who have already registered as candidates for the mayor of Seoul and Busan under the Justice Party.

First of all, the Justice Party decided to form a TF in April by-election and discuss all measures, including no nomination.

[정호진 / 정의당 수석대변인 : 공당으로서 책임 있는 자세가 무엇인지에 방점을 두고 폭넓은 의견 수렴을 통해서 심도 있게 안을 마련하도록 하겠습니다.]

The Justice Party has taken a responsible attitude as a principle in the process of dealing with this sexual harassment incident.

As such, I have no choice but to deepen my thoughts on whether to nominate the by-election in April.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
