[정치]Joo Ho-young “horrified the opposition party representative”… Democratic Party “the worst flag disturbance”


Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon raised the suspicion of North Korea’s nuclear power plant and criticized that the “transfer act” had crossed the line.

In a speech from the representative of the bargaining group, he asked not to be scared by overwriting the color theory, and asked for an investigation of the state affairs with the Nationalist Party, but the Democratic Party does not seem to receive it.

Reporter Lee Yeon-ah reports.


People’s Power Chairman Kim Jong-in raised suspicion of promoting North Korea’s nuclear power plant and criticized the Democratic Party in a speech from the representative of the bargaining organization, saying that it was contempt for the people to mention “transfer”.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 (어제) : 낡은 북풍공작으로 국민을 현혹하려 하는 국민 모독을 끝냅시다.]

In one day, I was greeted with a speech from the representative of the bargaining organization, saying, “Do not be afraid of the power of the people.”

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 심지어 선을 넘었다며 제1야당 당 대표를 사법 처리하겠다고까지 겁박하고 있습니다. 이 정권은 불리하면 색깔론과 북풍공작으로 뒤집어씌웁니다. 적반하장도 유분수입니다.]

The current regime is propelling the inter-Korean summit ahead of the 2007 presidential election, and arranging a North American summit meeting ahead of the 2018 local elections to carry out the North Wind operation.

At the same time, he urged the public to know the contents of the USB that was handed over to North Korea, and to clarify whether the legal permit and storage procedures were followed properly.

Even Chairman Kim Jong-in, who was under pressure to resign, cut off that UBS disclosure is a priority.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 그것은 나중에 USB 공개된 다음에 생각할 일이지 지금 뭐라고 얘기할 사안 아니에요.]

The Democratic Party tightened the rein of criticism, saying that it has already proved that the North Korean nuclear power plant construction project could not exist, and that it was not true.

He said that the’transfer act’ with false information was the worst national flag disorder in the history of the constitution.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 : 제1야당 대표가 거짓 근거를 가지고 정부와 현직 대통령을 향해 이적행위를 했다는 발언은 헌정사상 최악의 국기 문란 행위로….]

However, the power of the people is the situation in which a special committee for truth investigation was launched and a request for a state affairs investigation was submitted in cooperation with the National Assembly.

The confrontation is intensifying, with both the ruling party and the opposition party not taking a step back.

YTN Lee Yeona[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
