[정치]Jo Soo-jin apologized for remarks on’concubine’, but…

Criticism from inside the people’s power continues… Apple in one day
Democratic Party Action… “There is no sincerity in apples”
Sue-jin Cho sued the police on charges of insult


In addition, Rep. Soo-jin Cho, the power of the people, who compared Democratic Party lawmaker Goh Kohn-jeong to’a concubine of the Joseon Dynasty’, belatedly apologized after being beaten by public opinion.

However, after the late Congressman already sued, the Democratic Party even filed a formal complaint with the National Assembly Ethics Committee.

This is reporter Lee Kyung-guk.


In addition, Rep. Soo-jin Cho, the power of the people, criticized the Democratic Party’s Rep.

Despite the fierce opposition from the Democratic Party, he was struck hard to become a low-quality offensive by catching the horsetail.

However, even within the power of the people, when the voice of criticism came out, he expressed his apology within a day.

Rep. Cho wrote on his SNS that he was sorry for the criticism because it became controversial, contrary to its original purpose, and that he was sorry to Congressman Ko.

He added that he deleted the problematic article, saying that his expression became a controversial subject for’female demeanor’ and that it hurts his heart.

But the Democratic Party took immediate action.

He stressed that he had to take civil and criminal responsibility for far beyond the usual slander of politicians, and because there was no sincerity in Congressman Cho’s apology, he urged the people’s power leadership to discipline.

Furthermore, he announced that he would file a complaint with the National Assembly Ethics Committee and discuss how to deal with it quickly.

[홍정민 / 더불어민주당 원내대변인 : 동료 국회의원을 조롱하고 국민 사이 갈등을 조장하는 정치인은 국민의 대표가 될 자격이 없고, 국회에선 마땅한 조치가 있어야 할 것입니다.]

Rep. Go, the party, has already sued Rep. Cho on charges of insult.

Rep. Soo-jin Cho, the power of the people, strongly criticized’last-end politics’ as a reporter.

With this incident, Congressman Cho is now in a position to receive criticism from both inside and outside the political world.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
