[정치]Iranian ambassador calls and protests “early release”…Delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is dispatched soon

Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses regret to Iran’s ambassador to Korea for’ship detention’
Description of the case and request for prompt release of ships and crew
Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to dispatch working-level delegation to Iran for release negotiations
Vice Minister Choi Jong-gun, as scheduled for Iran on the 10th Discussing release
Iran “Ship detention, because of marine pollution… Sailors are safe”
“It’s not at all linked to frozen funds…technical problem”


For Iran’s detention of our ship, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the Iranian ambassador to Korea to express regret and demanded that the ship and crew be released as soon as possible.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is planning to dispatch a working-level delegation to promote negotiations to lift the detention, and Vice Minister Choi Jong-gun is also planning to visit Iran on the 10th.

This is reporter Kim Do-won.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed regret for Iran’s detention of our ship by calling Iranian Ambassador Shavestari.

Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs A and Middle East Ko Gyeong-seok asked Ambassador Shavestari about the case and demanded the prompt release of the ship and crew.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to dispatch the consul in Iran to the port of Bandar Abbas where the ship was detained, and to send a working delegation as soon as possible.

Separately, Vice Minister Choi Jong-Geon will visit Iran from the 10th, and plans to discuss lifting the detention of ships here as well.

[최영삼 / 외교부 대변인 : 기계획된 최종건 차관의 방문은 물론 이번에 급파하는 지역 국장 등 실무대표단, 현지 외교채널 등 여러가지 노력을 총동원해서 이 문제가 최대한 조기에 해결될 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하고자 합니다.]

Iran said the detention was aimed at handling complaints related to marine pollution and that the crew was safe.

There is an analysis that it is linked to the 7 trillion won in Iranian funds that were frozen in Korea due to US sanctions against Iran, but this is not an intention, and it is an explanation as a completely technical problem.

A senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was too early to make predictions about the background of the incident, and said that all possibilities are open and that a response plan is being considered.

He also added that if there was a complaint against our ship, it also asked Iran to present evidence.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was setting up and responding to the overseas national protection countermeasures headed by Minister Kang Kyung-hwa as soon as the ship was detained.

First of all, it seeks a diplomatic solution with Iran, but depending on the situation, it is a position that various measures such as cooperation with third countries are open.

The Cheonghae unit in the islands was dispatched near the Strait of Hormuz to carry out the mission to protect the Korean people.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
