[정치]Influence on the driving force of state administration at the end of the term…Watching the election results


The results of the Seoul-Busan mayoral election by-election are closely watched by the Blue House as well as each party.

This is because the election results are expected to have an impact on President Moon’s final year in office as well.

Reporter Hong Seon-ki reports.


President Moon Jae-in, whose address is in the Blue House, participated in the Mayor of Seoul’s vote using the pre-voting period ahead of the 4.7 re-election.

[문재인 대통령 : (죄송하지만 마스크 한 번만 내려주시겠어요?) 본인 확인하게요? (네, 여기 서명기에 성함 한 번만 적어주세요. 여기에다가.)]

This election is more important to President Moon not only as a citizen of Seoul but also as the head of the administration.

This is because the heads of two cities with the most population in Korea are simultaneously selected.

There is a big difference in keeping pace with the central government depending on which party the group heads of the two major cities become.

In addition, it is difficult to ignore the opposition party’s offensive, which is driving this election as a ruling for the regime.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 (지난달 30일) : 이번 서울시장 보궐선거는 지난 4년간의 문재인 정부의 오만과 거짓과 실정을 낱낱이 심판하는 선거라고 생각합니다.]

The population of both cities in Seoul and Busan is 13 million, which is a quarter of Korea’s total population.

The results of the elections in both cities may affect the driving force behind Moon’s government administration in the last year of his tenure.

Even if the ruling party wins in both places, or even if they don’t know about 1 win and 1 loss, President Moon could suffer a blow if the ruling party loses both.

This is because the opposition party’s theory of judgment on the regime can be even stronger.

There is a high possibility that the momentum for major national affairs, such as the settlement of real estate deposits and the completion of the reform of the prosecution, as well as the improvement of inter-Korean issues and Korea-Japan relations.

For President Moon and the Blue House, who have left their terms of office for more than a year, the results of this re-election will be as important as any other election.

This is YTN Hong Seon-ki.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
