[정치]In controversy over the presidential adoption remarks, the Democratic Party’s’pre-consignment protection’


President Moon Jae-in’s remarks at the New Year’s press conference yesterday are controversial.

The opposition party even demanded an apology for the president, saying it was inappropriate remarks, but the Democratic Party tried to fix it, saying that the intention was misrepresented.

Reporter Choi A-young reports.


Jung In-i, who passed away due to the abuse of her adoptive parents, met only 7 times with her adoptive parents until he was adopted.

There is a system where adoptive parents take care of their children before adoption, but it is not obligatory.

The alternative that President Moon Jae-in revealed at the New Year’s press conference was

[문재인 / 대통령 : 일정 기간 안에는 입양을 다시 취소한다든지, 또는 여전히 입양하고자 하는 마음은 강하지만 아이하고 맞지 않는다고 할 경우에 입양아동을 바꾼다든지….]

After the second day, the storm came.

The Blue House explained that the purpose of supplementing the current customary pre-consignment protection system,

The president asked for apology, asking if the power of the people is the child and the adoption is home shopping.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 사고의 바탕에 깔려 있는 대단히 반인권적인 인식의 일단이 여과 없이 드러나서…. 변명하지 말고 대통령께서 깨끗하게 사과하길 바랍니다.]

The Justice Party also pointed out that the president’s remarks were extremely inappropriate.

[심상정 / 정의당 의원 : 입양과 아동학대에 대한 불철저한 인식으로 수많은 입양가정과 국민에게 상처를 준 만큼 대통령께서 직접 바로잡아주시기 바랍니다.]

On the other hand, the Democratic Party actively covered the president’s intentions, saying they were misrepresented.

The Blue House said it would legalize the pre-consignment protection system explained by the Blue House.

[홍익표 / 더불어민주당 정책위의장 : 현재 한국에서는 양부모 동의하에서만 관례로 활용되고 있으나 이를 입양 전 필수절차로 의무화하는 방안을 적극 검토하겠습니다.]

Furthermore, we plan to go forward with supplementary legislation to preemptively detect child abuse and protect segregation that the President emphasized.

The Blue House Democratic Party went on to take action with supplementary explanations day after day,

The controversy over President Moon’s remarks about the change of adopted children has not easily subsided.

YTN Choi Ayoung[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
