[정치]”If you change your job, you will be pardoned”…

Democratic Party Lee Nak-yeon dismisses President Moon over amnesty
People’s Power Joo Ho-young “I only saw public opinion on pardons and took off the wind”
Aiming at President Moon, “If you change your job, you may be pardoned”


At President Moon Jae-in’s New Year’s conference that the pardons of former presidents are not the right time, the National Power of the House Representative Joo Ho-young warned that he should “do not take over.”

He even made a remark aimed at President Moon, saying that the incumbent may be subject to pardon if he changes his job.

In response, the Democratic Party strongly accused the incumbent president of being over-expressed, asking if it was threatening.

This is a reporter, General Manager.


At the beginning of the new year, President Moon Jae-in’s response to the New Year’s conference was to the controversy over the pardon of the former President, launched by Lee Nak-yeon, the leader of the Democratic Party.

[문재인 / 대통령 (어제) : 지금은 사면을 말할 때가 아니라는 생각입니다.]

Accordingly, Ho-young Joo, the national strength, stepped up.

The president and the ruling party representatives weren’t afraid of the public opinion.

Furthermore, thinking about it later, he changed his position and made a warning statement aimed at the president, saying, ‘Going back.’

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 현직 대통령은 시간이 지나면 전직 대통령이 됩니다. 전직 대통령이 되면 본인들이 사면의 대상이 될지도 모르는 상황이 있을 수 있습니다. 늘 역지사지하는 자세를 가질 것을 기대합니다.]

In fact, it can also be interpreted as meaning that President Moon can be pardoned if he changes his job.

Earlier, President Joo Nae-nae urged President Moon to make a decision right after President Nak-yeon Lee raised the amnesty, and even made a statement that the world’s reasoning of the world would soon become the shade and the shade.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표(지난 4일) : 사면은 문재인 대통령이 정치적 결단으로 가능한 일입니다. 세상의 이치는 양지가 금방 음지가 되고 음지가 양지가 됩니다.]

The Democratic Party criticized hard.

It means that the incumbent president was treated as a criminal on the premise that the unfortunate history of the former president being tried would be reenacted.

He forgot the responsibility for the two former presidents and demanded an apology from the public, saying he had forgotten retaliation as if he had already seized power by taking on approval ratings.

[신영대 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 정치 보복을 예고하는 주 원내대표의 발언은 대한민국 국격이야 어찌 되든 정권을 잡으면 정치 보복을 하겠다는 망국적 발언입니다.]

The ruling party’s pardon seems to be ended with President Moon Jae-in’s answer that it is not yet time.

Yet another controversy is the remarks made by Ho-young Joo, who was angry with public opinion.

YTN Manager[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
