[정치]First call from the head of the ROK-US security office…”Joint efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula”

Security Officer Seo Hoon, first phone call with US security adviser Sullivan
Korea-US, efforts to denuclearize… Consensus of immediate normal communication
I think I’ll be talking to the US and South Korea soon Prospects early next month as early as


On the day the biden administration’s position on North Korea’s nuclear weapons came out, the head of the US-Korea Security Office also made the first phone call and decided to make joint efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.

It is expected that a call between the two leaders will be scheduled in the near future, and President Moon is expected to emphasize the need to continue the achievements by using the Singapore Declaration as a starting point for dialogue with the US.

This is reporter Cha Jung-yoon.


National Security Officer Seo Hoon made the first call with the new counter part of the Biden administration.

Chief Executive Officer Suh and US Security Adviser Jake Sullivan reaffirmed the solid ROK-US alliance and promised active cooperation on various issues such as Corona 19.

In particular, we have achieved consensus on the need to jointly endeavor to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula and to communicate directly with the ROK-US leaders in the near future.

[강민석 / 청와대 대변인 : 양측은 조속한 시일 내 한미 양국 정상 간 소통을 시작하는 것이 중요하다는 데 공감하였으며, 앞으로 NSC를 포함한 각급에서 긴밀히 수시로 소통해 나가기로 했습니다.]

As the head of the ROK-US security office ended the meeting, it is expected that the two countries will talk to each other sooner or later.

President Moon appears to be emphasizing the need to use the past Singapore Declaration as a starting point for talks with North Korea.

A key member of the Blue House explained that as this is the first call with President Biden after taking office, it will serve as an opportunity to explain and persuade our position on the peace process on the Korean Peninsula.

The Biden administration, which is about to eradicate Trump, mentions that it will adopt a’new strategy’ on the North Korean nuclear issue.

[문재인 / 대통령(지난 18일) : 싱가포르 선언에서 다시 시작해서, 보다 구체적인 방안을 이루는 그런 대화 협상을 해나간다면….]

The government expects that the Biden administration will not repeat the’strategic patience’ of the Obama administration in the past, and will develop the results that the two Koreas have made progress together over the past three years.

There is also an analysis that whether the peace process on the Korean Peninsula, which had been stopped on the occasion of the inauguration of the Biden administration, will be able to get on track, and that the’Korean Peninsula driver’s theory’ has been put to the test again.

YTN Cha Jung-yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
