[정치]Final case: No results from visit to Iran… fear of prolonged ship detention

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong-gun visits Iran, checks only the difference in admission
Urging Iran’s foreign ministers and advisors to lift the detention
Iran vigorously raises the issue of Korean won funding
Choi Jong-gun “Consultation with the United States is inevitable…please face reality”


Choi Jong-Geon, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, completed his visit to Iran, but there was no tangible result regarding the ship detention issue.

Iran continues to strongly raise the issue of frozen funds, but it is a difficult issue to solve unless US sanctions are lifted, and the situation is concerned that the situation will prolong.

This is reporter Dowon Kim.


Choi Jong-Geon, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, concluded the visit to Iran.

The lifting of the detention of our vessels captured by Iran became the biggest issue, but only the difference was confirmed.

For three days in Iran, Vice Minister Choi met with various figures, including the Foreign Minister and the Vice Minister, the Supreme Leader’s Office diplomatic adviser, and the Vice Minister of Justice and urged the removal of the detention.

Even after more than a week, Iran has criticized it as unacceptable for not presenting some evidence.

However, the Iranian side persisted in the position that the detainment of ships was due to maritime contamination charges and that it had to wait for judicial proceedings.

Instead, the Iranian side strongly raised the issue of a KRW 7 trillion won fund that was frozen in Korea.

South Korea is imposing US sanctions as a reason to freeze funds, but the truth is, is it lacking will?

Vice Minister Choi requested that Iran face the reality as well, as the financial systems of Korea and the United States are closely related, consultation with the United States is inevitable.

[박현도 / 명지대 중동문제연구소 교수 : 이란이 요청한 대로 바이든 행정부가 들어서기 전에 이 문제가 해결되는 것은 거의 불가능하다고 보고요, 다만 바이든 행정부가 들어선 이후에 우리 정부가 미국과 긴밀한 협조 하에 (문제의 실마리를,) 해결의 실마리를 찾을 수 있지 않을까 조심스럽게 추측해봅니다.]

Iran argues that ship detention and freeze funds are separate issues, but this incident has succeeded in highlighting the issue of frozen funds as an issue.

Amid the analysis of domestic politics and US pressure to divert attention from the Iranian people, there are concerns that the detention may be prolonged.

In the past, Iran released a British oil tanker in two months of capture and an Indian oil tanker in more than 20 days.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
