[정치]Even though they even brought out a full survey of the elected positions…


As the LH suspicions acted as bad news for the passport, public opinion polls found that the Seoul mayor’s by-election was also skewed toward opposition.

Regardless of who becomes the single candidate for the opposition, Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon has been investigated as being pushed back in the bilateral confrontation.

The Democratic Party is putting forth a thorough investigation into elected officials following the National Assembly members and is putting effort into the transition.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


This is the result of a public opinion poll conducted last weekend when allegations of LH speculation were in full swing.

When the Mayor of Seoul by-election in April was held as a single candidate for the ruling party, I asked who would be elected.

The answer of candidate Oh Se-hoon, the power of the people, was 7.3 percentage points higher than that of Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon.

It is outside the margin of error.

Even if it was changed to candidate Ahn Chul-soo of the National Assembly, the result was the dominance of a single opposition candidate.

Rather, the gap between candidates widened.

In a survey conducted by another agency on the same day, whether a single opposition candidate becomes Candidate Se-hoon Oh,

Whether it is candidate Ahn Cheol-soo or candidate Park Young-seon, it was found that candidates were pushed more than 10%p.

Furthermore, even if the election was held in a three-way confrontation due to the unification failure, a survey result showed that Candidate Se-hoon Oh is ranked first within the margin of error.

It is analyzed that even though Minister Byeon Chang-heum’s appreciation and the ruling party’s immediate action called’LH Special Prosecutor’ were not enough to appease the angry public sentiment.

In particular, the special prosecutor proposed by Candidate Young-sun Park is evaluated as a’handshake’ with poor reality.

It is virtually impossible to proceed without the cooperation of the opposition party, and as soon as the investigation can be initiated in May, there is an offensive that it is a card for drawing time.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 검찰의 역량을 활용한다면 포크레인으로 한 번에 뜰 수 있는 양을 특검을 제안해서 수백 번의 삽질로 떠내겠다는 시간 끌기 전술….]

Accordingly, the Democratic Party is attempting to reverse the atmosphere by proposing a thorough investigation of all elected officials, including the heads of local governments and basic lawmakers, as well as candidates for this by-election, in addition to the existing 300 members of the National Assembly.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 대표 직무대행 : 민주당이 선출직 공직자가 국민의힘에 비해서 훨씬 많습니다. 민주당은 유불리를 따지지 않고 부동산 투기 근절 차원에서 모든 선출직 공직자의 전수조사를 제안합니다.]

However, it is unclear whether the proposal for a thorough investigation of elected positions will also benefit from the opposition party, especially the people.

As the deterioration of public sentiment from LH shakes the market trend of the mayor of Seoul, which it believed, the Democratic Party is betting on the last-minute gathering of supporters.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
