[정치]Eui-Yong Eui-yong, the new diplomatic command tower… a pending issue amid expectations and concerns


President Moon Jae-in’s sudden replacement of the foreign minister shows his strong will to make the last effort to resume dialogue between the North and the North, which has fallen into a stalemate.

It is noteworthy how quickly the nominee of Foreign Minister Eui-Yong will be able to open the door of dialogue in harmony with the Biden administration who is bright in the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Reporter Lee Gyo-jun.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was amazed when Minister Kang Kyung-hwa, who had been in office for more than three and a half years, replaced it.

This is because there are high observations that the president will serve with the president for five years because of his strong confidence.

Eui-yong Eui-yong, former head of the National Security Office of the Blue House, is believed to reflect President Moon’s determination to re-implement the peace process on the Korean Peninsula in line with the inauguration of the Biden administration.

[문재인 / 대통령 (18일 신년 기자회견) : 싱가포르 선언에서 다시 시작해 보다 구체적 방안을 이루는 그런 대화와 협상을 해나간다면 좀더 속도 있게 북미 대화, 남북대화를 해나갈 수 있을 것이라고 생각합니다.]

Perhaps because of being conscious of these expectations,

“We will do our best to ensure that the foreign policy promoted by the Moon Jae-in administration can bear fruit and the peace process on the Korean Peninsula can take root.”

Nominee Eui-yong Eui-yong served as head of the National Security Office of the Blue House for three years and was deeply involved in the Panmunjom inter-Korean summit and the Singapore Declaration.

There is an expectation that we will be able to steadfastly continue the stance of foreign policy based on our experience in overall policy management.

[김준형 / 국립외교원장 : 한반도 프로세스를 기안하고 수행해왔던 분이기 때문에 지금 교착 상황에 있는 북한 문제나 한반도 평화 프로세스를 새로운 바이든 정부와의 협력 속에서 잘 추진할 것이라고 생각됩니다.]

On the other hand, there are also many concerns that problems that have emerged in the communication between the two Koreas and the US in the North Korean denuclearization negotiation process may be reenacted.

[조태용 / 국민의 힘 의원 (전 외교부 차관) : 성과가 없었던 북한 비핵화 외교를 주도했던 당시 정의용 전 안보실장이 외교부 장관으로 다시 복귀했는데 여전히 잘못된 비핵화 외교로 나아갈까봐 걱정이 많이 됩니다.]

In anticipation and concern, it is expected that Chung will work closely with the new administration of Biden and push for resumption of talks with the US as a top priority.

To this end, it is expected that efforts will be made to accelerate the ROK-US summit as much as possible. The key is whether we can narrow the gap between the US and the US on the resolution of denuclearization along with confirmation of consensus on the Singapore Declaration.

In addition, it is a daunting task to find a solution to the Korea-Japan conflict over the ruling of compulsory conscription compensation, which President Moon showed appreciation at the New Year’s press conference.

YTN Kyojun Lee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
