[정치]Eui-yong Eui-yong “Responsible if the North Korean nuclear power plant is true”…


Foreign Minister Eui-yong Eui-yong emphasized the position that there was no discussion on the construction of a nuclear power plant in North Korea at the government level, and said he would take responsibility if it was not true.

In addition, North Korea’s Chairman of the State Council Kim Jong-un clearly demonstrated his will to denuclearize and emphasized that dialogue should be revived.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


Candidate Eui-Yong of Foreign Affairs Minister Eui-yong, who was elected at the hearing of the National Assembly, emphasized once again that the construction of a nuclear power plant in North Korea has never been discussed by the current government and that there is no consensus behind the scenes.

He confidently replied that he would do so to the opposition lawmaker’s question whether he would take responsibility if it was wrong.

[이태규 / 국민의당 외교통일위원 : 만약에 오늘 후보자께서 답변하신 내용과 다른 사안이 벌어지면, 여기에 대한 책임을 반드시 지시겠습니까?]

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 후보자 : 그렇게 하겠습니다.]

I’m not sure if the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy created the problem document, but the practitioners said that they guessed it as an idea for the future.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 후보자 : 지시는 없었고요. 당시 언론, 여러 매체에서 북한에 원전을 지어줘야 한다는 그런 기사들이 많이 실렸다고 합니다. 아마 그런 걸 보고….]

In the current situation, he explained that it is impossible to build a nuclear power plant in North Korea with the independent judgment of the Korean government regardless of the agreement of the United States or international organizations.

However, North Korea’s Chairman of the State Council Kim Jong-un said he has shown enough will to denuclearize.

When he visited North Korea as a special envoy to North Korea in March 2018, Chairman Kim made a condition that the security situation on the Korean peninsula was completely guaranteed, but he mentioned the terms’abandonment’ and’abolition’ of nuclear weapons.

Later, through the summit meeting, he announced that he promised to fully open the Yongbyon nuclear facility to Korea, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and IAEA experts.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 후보자 : 영변 폐기를 할 수만 있었다면 당시에, 미국이나 우리 한국 쪽의 전문가들이 수백 명에서 수천 명이 영변 또는 평양에 들어가 있었을 겁니다. 그것이 가져왔을 정치적 파급은 굉장히 엄청났다고 봅니다.]

He said he believes that Chairman Kim’s promise will be kept and that he should revive the spark of dialogue in the future.

At the same time, former US National Security Adviser John Bolton, who tried to adopt the power of the people as a witness, denied the memoirs were not true.

In March 2018, the contents of the book that there was a proposal from Candidate Chung on the background of Chairman Kim’s invitation to the President of the United States at the time of Trump said that he did not seem to know the situation because the former aide at the time was not present.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
