[정치]Eui-yong Eui-yong diplomacy, the key to’coordination of solutions to North Korea’…”Golden time in the first half of this year”


Amidst the deadlock between North and South Korea, the new Foreign Minister Eui-yong Eui will take office tomorrow.

There are conflicting concerns and expectations about whether Minister Eui-yong Eui-yong will work with the Biden administration to resolve the tangled thread of North Korea’s denuclearization solution.

Reporter Lee Kyo-jun reported.


In 2018’Spring of the Korean Peninsula’, Minister of Foreign Affairs Eui-yong Eui-yong repeatedly declared that the Moon Jae-in administration will continue to resolve the North Korean nuclear program before taking office.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 (2일) : 문재인 정부가 그동안 추진해온 외교정책이 잘 마무리되고, 또 한반도 평화 프로세스가 뿌리를 내릴 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.]

Therefore, the prospect that the current government’s strategy toward North Korea, the “peace process on the Korean peninsula,” will be pushed stronger than that of Minister Kang Kyung-hwa is prevailing.

Above all, it seems that the emphasis will be placed on maximizing the resumption of dialogue between the two countries.

However, US President Biden showed a cautious stance on North Korea policy in his first call with President Moon Jae-in on the 4th.

[제이크 설리번 / 백악관 국가안보보좌관 : 대북정책에 대한 검토를 진행하고 있습니다. 바이든 대통령은 어젯밤 문 대통령에게 그 검토가 진행 중이며 우리는 동맹국들과 긴밀히 협의할 것이라고 말했습니다.]

Earlier, US Secretary of State Tony Blincoln has also said several times that during the Trump administration, North Korea policy will be reviewed from the ground up.

Subtle differences of opinion between the ROK and the United States over the North Korean solution are being perceived one after another, raising concerns.

[정의용 / 외교부 장관 (5일 국회 인사청문회) : 김정은 위원장의 비핵화 의사는 아직도 있다고 보고 있고요. 핵 미사일 실험은 하지 않고 있습니다.]

On the other hand, the US State Department is still concerned about North Korea’s willingness to proliferate nuclear weapons and missiles as a serious threat.

If the Biden administration emphasizes the position that North Korea’s substantial denuclearization measures must take precedence, the restoration of US-North Korea dialogue is expected from the beginning.

In this regard, it is highly pointed out that the first half of this year is a very important time for the coordination of the ROK-US strategy toward North Korea.

[서정건 / 경희대 정치외교학과 교수 : 바이든 행정부가 현재 북한 정책에 대한 총체적 재검토를 하고 있는 만큼 우리 외교 안보팀도 미국과 보조를 맞추면서 한반도 종전선언을 포함한 제반 아이디어들이 새로운 대북 제안 패키지로 만들어질 수 있도록 전략을 짜는 것이 중요하다고 봅니다.]

The coordination of the resumption of ROK-US combined military exercises next month is expected to be the first test bed for the new foreign minister.

In addition, there is a difficulty in releasing the knot in Korea-Japan relations in harmony with the Biden administration, which wishes to restore the trilateral alliance between Korea and Japan.

It is noteworthy whether Minister Eui-yong Eui, who has stepped on the front of the diplomatic arena as a designer to implementer of the peace process on the Korean Peninsula, will take advantage of trial and error as a lesson.

This is YTN Kyojun Lee ([email protected]).

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
