[정치]Eight out of 10 “Corona 19 deepens polarization”…the worst is’real estate’


In celebration of the Lunar New Year, YTN and the secretary’s office of National Assembly Speaker Park Byung-seok jointly commissioned an opinion polling agency to investigate, and it was found that 8 out of 10 citizens feel that the polarization of our society has intensified due to the Corona 19 crisis.

The biggest reason for the deepening of the polarization was the rising price of assets such as real estate.

Reporter Song Jae-in’s report.


[임지우 / 취업준비생 : 앞으로 또 어떻게 될지, 앞으로 뜰지 희망이 없는 게 좀 불안한 거 같아요.]

[박준우/ 카페 업주 : 저녁 식사하고 술 한잔 하고 와서 커피 한잔 하는 분들이 많이 계셨는데 지금은 거의 없죠, 사람이.]

[예비 초5·중2 학부모 : 학원을 못 가는 친구들은 결국 사각지대에 몰릴 수밖에 없잖아요.]

Voices complaining of great difficulties in the Corona 19 crisis that lasts for more than a year come from all over society.

Did the real people feel the same?

As a result of an investigation conducted by YTN and the secretary of National Assembly Speaker Park Byung-seok jointly commissioned by Real Meter, more than half of the citizens answered that their lives were worse than before due to Corona 19.

The thing to note is that the answers differed by occupation.

About 70% of self-employed people said it was worse, but nearly half of white-collar workers said it was the same as before.

Reflecting this temperature difference, the evaluation that our society’s economic polarization has intensified since Corona 19 was overwhelmingly high.

Eight out of 10 answered that it was severe, but over half of the opinions that it became very severe.

The reason for this was the rising price of assets such as real estate.

In addition, a decline in sales in the self-employed sector, which is experiencing open backlash, followed by a decline in jobs.

As such, 26.5% of respondents said that real estate prices should be stabilized first in order to mitigate polarization, and 24.5% said that domestic demand should be revitalized through support from the whole people.

In addition, more than half agreed on the claim that so-called’rich people’s tax increase’ is necessary to resolve the polarization.

This survey was jointly commissioned by YTN and the Secretary’s Office of National Assembly Speaker Park Byung-seok, conducted by Real Meter for two days from the 7th to the 8th, targeting 1,000 men and women aged 18 years or older, with a sample error of ±3.1%p.

YTN Song Jae-in[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
