[정치]Did the Minister of Justice or President Min Jeong pass?


Shin Hyun-soo, who expressed his gratitude during the prosecution’s personnel process, still went on vacation without giving up his gratitude.

In this regard, attention is being paid to whether it is Justice Minister Park Beom-gye or President Moon Jae-in’s will that excludes Chief Shin’s opinion from the prosecution’s personnel process regarding the so-called’passing’ controversy.

Reporter Hong Seon-ki reports.


Shin Hyun-soo, the Blue House Chief Min Jeong-suk, who has not bent his gratitude despite the repeated pressures of President Moon Jae-in, eventually took a vacation and fell out of work.

A senior Blue House official said Shin Hyun-soo was on vacation for two days and plans to go to work next week after the weekend.

When asked if he took a vacation when his gratitude was not accepted, he replied that he was taking a vacation to have time for reflection and what he would not say when he went to work.

It translates to mean that Chief Shin is taking the time to struggle to make the final decision.

In the midst of this, attention is focused on who is the subject of the so-called’passing’ that excludes the opinion of Chief Min Jung in the prosecution’s personnel process.

The Blue House said that there was no conflict in the civil administration chief’s office, and the controversy that the civil administration secretary Lee Gwang-cheol’passed’ the civil administration chief drew a line.

If so, the other possibility is that Justice Minister Park Beom-gye requested President Moon to pay the prosecution personnel directly.

President Moon may have reappeared, knowing that the disagreement between the Ministry of Justice and the Civil Affairs Office was sealed.

However, there is a possibility that President Moon would have raised the hand of the Minister of Justice even knowing that disagreements remain.

It is an interpretation that Shin is likely to be the latter as he does not dismiss his appreciation.

Either way, it is clear that Shin Hyun-soo was hurt by the presence of Chief Min Jeong.

It is also the reason why it is analyzed that it will not be easy for Shin chief to pay off his vacation and go into the last troubles, but it will not be easy to give up his gratitude and concentrate on his work again.

This is YTN Hong Seon-ki.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
