[정치]Democratic Party’s’Embarrassment’ Proposal for a Complete Survey of National Assembly Members…the Power of the People “Democrats First”


Amid growing public sympathy over allegations of LH speculation, suspicions of speculation by members of the Democratic Party and their families arose in politics.

The embarrassing Democratic Party blitz proposed a thorough investigation of all members of the National Assembly,

Although they are not against the power of the people, they said that the proposal was abrupt and demanded that the Democrats do it first.

Connect with reporters to the National Assembly. Reporter Woo Cheol-hee!

LH speculation suspicion seems to be sparking fire even in politics, right?


Yes, it is.

The allegations of speculation by Democratic Party lawmakers and their families were a catalyst.

First, it was confirmed that the Supreme Commissioner Yang Hyang-ja, the leader, purchased 3,000 square meters of forest fields in the development restricted area in Bibong-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do in 2015.

It is so-called’blind paper’ that is not attached to the road, but it is only a few hundred meters away from the public housing district,

At the time, there were reports that a nearby area was being developed, and there were allegations that the purpose of speculation was suspected.

In the case of Proportional Representative Kim Gyeong-man, it was confirmed that his wife jointly purchased forest fields in Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, near the third new city in 2016 and 2018.

There is a suspicion of the so-called’split split’ by planning real estate.

However, both lawmakers denied allegations of speculation, saying they did not use inside information because they bought it before election, and that they were selling it for sale.

Earlier, Congressman Yang Yi Won-young also announced that his mother would dispose of the land as it was revealed that his mother had jointly purchased the land in Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeonggi-do.

The Democratic Party is unable to hide even more embarrassment, as it has raised the suspicion of LH that broke out in a sensitive period ahead of the election, and said it would eradicate the speculation of the public office.

Accordingly, Kim Tae-nyeon, the House Representative and Representative Authority, proposed a full investigation of allegations of speculation against all 300 members of the ruling and opposition lawmakers.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 원내대표 겸 대표 권한대행 : 국민의 대표인 국회의원은 한 점의 의혹도 허용되지 않습니다. 국회의원과 배우자, 직계존·비속의 부동산 소유 및 거래 현황에 대한 전수조사를 통해 국민적 불신을 해소하고 우리 사회의 공정 질서를 바로잡는….]

The people’s strength is also acceptable.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 뭐 한번 해보죠. 300명 다. 공직자 주변에 있는 사람들이 예를 들어서 자기 남편이나 뭐 이런 사람들의 정보를 취득해서 투기 활동을 하는 그런 것은 있을 수 없는 일이죠.]

However, it is a reaction that is absurd.

Ho-young Joo has no reason not to receive a thorough investigation, but he is suspicious of his intention to attract the power of the people.

In particular, the Democratic Party is in control of the heads of local governments and local councils all over the country who have development information, and they are asked to investigate them first.

At the same time, the power of the people was the final version of the injustice of the Moon Jae-in regime in response to the LH crisis and allegations of speculation by Democrats.


In the midst of this, the original documents related to the four major rivers project of the National Intelligence Service during the Lee Myung-bak administration were released, and the impact on the by-election is attracting attention?


Yes, it is.

At the time of the Lee Myung-bak administration, some of the documents received through the request for information disclosure by environmental groups affected by illegal inspections by the NIS were disclosed at the time of opposition to the Four Rivers Project.

The document contains information to identify or neutralize the activities of persons or groups who oppose the Four Major Rivers in advance,

On June 26, 2009, it was stated that the request was made by the Blue House PR Planning Office.

At the time, the Blue House Public Relations Officer was Candidate Hyung-Jun Park, a candidate for the Mayor of Busan, the Power of the People.

If the document is correct, it means that the document was created at the request of the Public Relations Planning Officer Park Hyung-joon at the time.

In response, Candidate Hyung-joon Park repeatedly expressed his position that he had not seen or received any reports of the document, and that it was not related to the suspicion of illegal inspection.

With both the Democratic Party and the people’s power, candidates are confirmed, and a full-fledged election campaign has actually begun, attention is drawn to the impact.

YTN Woo Cheol-hee at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
