[정치]Democratic Party with speculation sparked “Comprehensive investigation by members of the National Assembly”…the power of the people, “Democrats first”


In addition, as the Democratic Party was suspicious of speculation in the party, it broke through head-on to investigate all 300 members of the National Assembly.

As a result, the people’s strength also responded to the need to do it once, and the LH crisis is spreading to the politics.

This is Choi Ah-young.


The Democratic Party, who said it would take action with the determination to sell family registers when speculators emerge.

Suspicion of speculation by the party lawmakers and his family was frighteningly to be said.

In a situation where accountability was raised by the LH crisis,

[김영호 / 더불어민주당 제2 정책조정위원장 : 제일 먼저 집권여당으로서 책임을 방기했음을 인정해야 합니다.]

As speculative suspicions led him to a corner, he threw a head-to-head breakthrough with a thorough investigation.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 대표 권한대행 : 국회의원 300명 전원에 대한 국회 차원의 부동산 전수조사를 국회의장과 국민의힘에 제안합니다.]

It’s about investigating real estate ownership and transactions, even spouses and direct relatives, and robbing the National Assembly of disbelief.

In addition, we promised to deal with the so-called’LH 5 Act’ to prevent speculation by public officials.

In the event of unfair use of undisclosed information, punishment will be extended to workers and outsiders who are not related to work, and up to five times the unfair profit will be recovered.

The people’s strength also actively responded to the Democratic Party’s proposal for a thorough investigation.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 뭐 한번 해보죠. 300명 다. (주변 사람의) 정보를 취득해서 투기 활동하는 것은 있을 수 없는 짓이죠.]

However, he said that he was suddenly suspicious of the insider that attracts the opposition party, and left a question that the priority should be revealed from the full Democratic Party investigation.

Parliamentary Chairman Park Byung-seok, who received the proposal, also expressed affirmation, saying that he sympathized with the purpose.

With allegations of speculation on land spreading to the politicians, it has emerged as a key variable in the re-election of the next 20 days.

YTN Choi Ah-young[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
