[정치]Democratic Party Park Young-seon and Right Sang-ho confirmed the second wave…

‘Resignation’ Park Young-sun officially declares running for mayor of Seoul soon
Rep. Park Joo-min declares no run for the Seoul Mayor by-election
Parallel Lines of Discussion on National Strength·National Party Candidate


After Park Young-sun, Minister of SMEs and Startups, withdrew from the post of minister, the candidate for the by-election of the Seoul Mayor of the Democratic Party was virtually confirmed as a second wave.

The discussion on the unification of opposition between CEO Ahn Chul-soo and the power of the people, where prospective candidates are more abundant than the ruling party, is still drawing a parallel line.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon, who has been appointed as a successor, is now jumping in earnest before the Seoul Mayor’s by-election.

[박영선 / 중소벤처기업부 장관 : 1년 9개월여 동안 중소벤처기업부 직원 여러분들과 진심으로 연결돼서 너무 감사하고요. (인터뷰에서도 밝히셨듯이 이제 시장 선거는 피할 수 없는….) 그 얘기는 그만하고요.]

As Congressman Park Joo-min, who had long struggled to organize his position, declared a no-run, the ruling party’s candidate race was composed of Minister Park Young-sun and Rep. Woo Sang-ho.

Minister Park’s strength is his public recognition, which includes his former broadcast reporter and his career as a 4th Congressman.

Rep. Woo, the leader of the 86th Group, has a clear party base, but is not in recognition.

[우상호 / 더불어민주당 의원 (어제) : 작년 연말에 비해서는 상당한 폭으로 조직도 확대됐고, 시민들에 대한 저의 접근성도 많이 높였고….]

The Democratic Party is concerned that the freshness of the character will be poor, but as the opposition party situation is similar, it plans to fight with policy pledges.

The discussion of unification between the people’s strength and the National Assembly representative Ahn Chul-soo is still a parallel line.

Representative Ahn did not join the contest and offered to participate only in the contest, but has not bent even after being rejected by a single sword.

[안철수 / 국민의당 대표 : 정말로 중요한 건 저를 이기는 게 아니라 문재인 정권과 싸워서 이기는 겁니다.]

The power of the people is an atmosphere of refraining from further expansion, saying that the door to unity is not closed.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 : 야권 단일화해야 된다는 대명제에 다 동의하고 있기 때문에 안철수 대표와 싸울 일이 없습니다.]

As both the ruling and the opposition parties took up their careers, the election atmosphere heated up.

Considering the recent polls, the ruling party’s search for a reversal of the atmosphere and the opposition party’s attempts to solidify it are likely to stand out.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
