[정치]Democratic Party, LH’s preemptive evolutionary strength… the people’s power to press “total resignation”


As public opinion rapidly deteriorated over allegations of land speculation by LH employees, the Passport is focusing on the evolution of the situation with strong countermeasures.

On the other hand, the power of the people pushed for a total resignation of the Moon Jae-in government’s cabinet.

Reporter Kim Joo-young reports.


In addition, Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon made a strong proposal regarding allegations of speculation by LH employees.

It is to investigate the entire landowners in the target area of ​​the 3rd new city to determine whether or not to speculate on the next name.

[박영선 / 더불어민주당 서울시장 후보 : 토지소유자 전수조사로 차명 투기 연루자의 자금출처 흐름을 낱낱이 추적해서 불법 투기세력을 철저히 가려내고 책임을 물어야 합니다.]

In addition, it proposed to the opposition parties to deal with laws to prevent corruption of public officials, such as the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, within March, and to pass the so-called’Science of Science Act’, which recovers profits from illegal activities.

As public opinion deteriorated due to the LH issue ahead of the next month’s by-election, we first proposed a special prosecutor and then again put a strong storm.

The Democratic Party is also positive about Park’s request.

Democratic Party leader Kim Young-jin, who spoke with YTN, stressed that the entire investigation should be carried out, saying that the contents are sufficiently acceptable to most parties.

Lee Nak-yeon, chairman of the Standing Election Countermeasures Committee, also launched a support fire, emphasizing the total investigation of members of the National Assembly proposed by the Democratic Party and the handling of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act.

On the other hand, the power of the people is raising the level of pressure by emphasizing the government’s accountability theory.

Spokesman Kim Eun-hye, a spokesman for the power of the people, called for President Moon Jae-in to resign from the cabinet under Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, who had lost the trust of the people.

In addition, the people’s strength is that the prosecution must be put into the investigation to thoroughly grasp the truth, and it is not too late to discuss the special prosecution the Democratic Party insists on.

In response, candidate Ahn Cheol-soo of the National Assembly also confronted the prosecution, saying that the special prosecution takes time and to hurry to proceed with the prosecution’s investigation.

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 검찰 수사를 당장 진행하면서도 한편으로 국회에서 특검법을 발의하고 통과시켜서 그동안 수사했던 결과들을 특검에 넘겨주면 빠르게 진행할 수 있다는 게 제 입장이고….]

As the ruling party that is trying to evolve the situation and the opposition party that is trying to increase the wave are confronted, the closer the by-election next month is, the stronger the battle between the opposition and the opposition parties is expected to become stronger.

YTN Kim Joo-young[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
