[정치]Democratic Party “I’m deeply sorry for the court’s judgment”…the power of the people “to prevent the prosecution from being transformed


As expected, when the court decided to suspend the disciplinary effect of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, the reactions of the opposition parties were greatly mixed.

In addition, the Democratic Party expressed deep regret, saying that it was concerned that it would intensify the division of national opinion.

The power of the people expressed welcome, saying that the court’s judgment prevented the prosecution of the prosecution.

Reporter Baek Jong-gyu reported.


When the court judged that the disciplinary effect of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol was to be suspended, the ruling and opposition parties quickly made a relevant position.

First of all, I was deeply sorry for the reaction of the Democratic Party.

Through commentary, chief spokesman In-ho Choi expressed concern that the court’s decision could undermine the stability of the administration and lead to distrust of the judiciary, which could lead to division of national opinion.

He pointed out that the court did not properly reflect the seriousness of Mr. Yoon’s serious misconduct.

Finally, he emphasized that the prosecution reform that has been promoted since before will be pushed forward strongly and the airlift will be launched without a hitch.

The other opposition parties are in a consistent mood to accept court decisions.

The power of the people appreciated the efforts of the courts, saying they welcomed the court’s upright judgment.

Spokesman Bae Joon-young welcomed that the court judgment prevented the provocation of the prosecution’s deformity in the prosecution’s reform mask, and Yoon was now returning to where he should be.

Members of the Power of the People’s Legislation and Judicial Council also tried to intimidate the president, but the judiciary chose laws and principles and compared the court’s decision to a Christmas gift.

The Justice Party also presented a position that it is reasonable to respect and follow the results.

It also added that the prosecution reform should be respected as the prosecution reforms, and the judgment raised in the disciplinary process of President Yun should be respected as judged.

The People’s Party also said a wise decision was made, and Yoon urged them to return to work and devote themselves to a neutral and strict investigation.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
