[정치]Democratic Party candidates to release the ’35 floors along the Han River’ bound by Park Won-soon

Young-seon Park and Sang-ho Woo “Restrictions on the 35th floor along the Han River can be released”
Candidates for the People’s Power already give promises to deregulate real estate


On the 1st, preliminary candidates Park Young-sun and Woo Sang-ho, who are about to be confirmed as candidates for the Democratic Party of the mayor of Seoul, announced that they would remove the restrictions on the 35th floor of the Han River bound by former Mayor Park Won-soon.

It seems that the message of supply expansion was put ahead with the competitiveness of the finals in mind, but the candidates for the people’s strength have already made a pledge to lift almost all real estate regulations.

Reporter Lee Dae-geon reports.


The restriction of new apartments along the Han River to 35 floors or less was in accordance with the ‘2030 Basic Seoul Urban Plan’ and the’Basic Han Riverside Management Plan’, which was created during the time of former Mayor Park Won-soon.

The goal is to protect Seoul’s representative public goods, the Han River, and to tidy up the skyline of the entire city.

[임희지 / 당시 서울연구원 연구실장 (지난 2013년 1월) : 산이나 강보다는 고층 건물의 디자인이 중시됐고 그러다 보니 공감대가 없었고 스카이라인 관리 체계가 훼손됐습니다. 정교한 관리도 미흡했고요.]

The Democratic Party’s preliminary candidates for the by-election of the mayor of Seoul in April announced that they would release it.

First, candidate Park Young-seon revealed through a media interview that “If you create a beautiful skyline that takes into account the specificity of Seoul, you can lift the limit on the number of floors on the 35th floor.”

Preliminary candidates for Sang-ho Woo are in a similar position.

[우상호 / 민주당 예비후보 (지난달 12일) : 도시 계획상의 핵심 이슈라 할 수 있는 35층 층고 제한은 좀 더 유연하게 다루겠습니다.]

However, both have conditions.

Candidate Park emphasized that when the 35th floor regulation was lifted, the interests of the beneficiaries should be shared.

Candidate Woo also said that publicity should be secured through donations to public housing.

Democratic party candidates have stepped up deregulation because they share the perception that there is little space to supply new apartments in Seoul.

Based on this perception, the strategy seems to have been put in place that it is necessary to provide a clear supply message to embrace the middle class.

However, in a situation where the candidates for the People’s Strength have already declared that they will lift all regulations,

[나경원 / 국민의힘 예비후보 (지난달 13일) : 용적률, 용도 지역, 층고 제한 등 각종 낡은 규제를 확 풀어버리겠습니다. 가로막힌 재건축·재개발이 대대적으로 다시 시작될 것입니다.]

It remains to be seen how Democratic candidates’ deregulation cards will work in real elections.

YTN Lee Dae-gun[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
