[정치]Delegation soon dispatched to Iran…”Preparation of response logic and promotion of international cooperation”


A working-level delegation to negotiate the lifting of the detention of our captured vessels and crew will be leaving for Iran late tonight.

The government plans to develop a response logic and continue to consult with Iran, and at the same time request cooperation not only with the United States but also with pro-Iranian countries to resolve the situation.

Connect with reporters. Reporter Kim Do-won!

Are our delegations planning to leave tonight?


The working-level delegation is scheduled to depart to the local area tonight, at least early in the morning tomorrow.

The delegation plans to meet with local officials to find out the details of the incident and to request the removal of the detention of ships and crew.

This case is expected to become an important agenda for Vice Minister Choi Jong-Geon’s visit to Iran, scheduled for the coming 10th.

In addition, it is a policy to communicate with Iran through various channels, such as promoting consultations between the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee of the Iranian Parliament and the Chairman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Transportation of the Korean National Assembly, who have served as the top leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

It also promotes international cooperation.

Together with the United States and the European Union, we plan to cooperate with pro-Iran countries such as Qatar and Oman, countries belonging to other detainees such as Vietnam, and countries that have experienced vessel detention in the past.

In this regard, Director of Middle East Ko Gyeong-seok meets with the Qatar Ambassador to Korea today to ask for help in resolving the situation.


The Iranian side is showing a strong stance on this incident. How is the government going to respond?


Iran insists that the detention is entirely a technical and judicial issue.

Regarding the dispatch of our delegation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran said that there is no need for a delegation to come.

An Iranian government spokesman also claimed that the South Korean government held $7 billion hostage.

However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it would continue to discuss dispatching delegations as it is an important issue directly connected to the safety of the people and the protection of assets.

Iran’s policy is to respond by inquiring and responding to the grounds of the claim that our ship caused marine pollution, whether the captured waters are open or territorial, and whether they comply with international laws while boarding our ships.

It is the government’s judgment that our vessels do not violate international law unless it is proven that they have caused deliberate and serious pollution.

As for the possibility of political purposes, such as a message to the United States, in the background of this incident, it is a position that we will keep all possibilities open and focus on solving the situation rather than a premature prediction.

This is Dowon Kim, YTN from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
