[정치]Delegation soon dispatched to Iran… Government “preparing response logic and promoting international cooperation”

Scheduled to request Iran to determine the details of the incident and lift the detention
Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Consultation through various channels to resolve the situation”
Vice Minister 1 visited Iran on the 10th as scheduled… Discussion of detention issues
Promoting consultations between the Korean National Assembly and the Iranian Parliamentary Foreign Relations Chairperson


A working-level delegation to negotiate the lifting of the detention of our vessels captured by Iran will soon be leaving.

Amid the analysis that the issue of Iran’s negotiations with the United States or the issue of the won-denominated financing is the background of the incident, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is planning to develop a response logic to the Iranian argument and focus on resolving the situation.

This is reporter Kim Do-won.


A working-level delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs departs to Iran to discuss the ship arrest case.

The delegation plans to ask the Iranian side to find out the details of the incident and to lift the detention of ships and crew.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to pursue consultations with Iran in various channels to resolve the situation.

Vice Minister Choi Jong-Geon’s visit to Iran on the 10th is scheduled to take place, but this issue will be taken seriously.

Discussions are also being pursued between the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee of the Iranian Parliament, who served as the leader of the Revolutionary Guard, and the Chairman of the Korean National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs and Transportation Affairs Committee.

In addition, we are requesting cooperation from the United States, the European Union, pro-Iran countries, countries belonging to other detainees, and countries with experience in ship detention.

However, the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs argued that the issue was a technical issue and there was no need for a Korean delegation to come.

It is known that our consul who has arrived in the area is also known to have difficulties in meeting the crew, raising questions about the background of Iran’s strong attitude.

[장지향 / 아산정책연구원 중동연구센터장 : 미국 바이든 행정부가 출범하고 나서 새롭게 열릴 (이란 핵합의 복원,) 협상 테이블에서 (다시 한 번 자신들이) 주도권을 잡고 얻을 수 있는 최대치를 높여보려고 하려는 정치적인 계산이 깔려있는 것이 아닌가 하는 생각이 듭니다.]

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it would keep all possibilities open and focus its capabilities on resolving the situation.

With regard to the allegations of maritime pollution raised by Iran, a response logic will be prepared by asking whether the captured waters are high or territorial, and whether international laws were followed when boarding our ships.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
