[정치]Dedicated personnel in charge of sorting parcels are put in… working up to 12 hours a day

Party administration and courier labor and courier workers announced measures to overwork
Classification work, excluded from the scope of courier worker work
Courier company puts dedicated personnel in sorting and bears expenses


Ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, when the courier service is crowded, various measures have been taken to solve the problem of overwork of courier workers.

The party administration and the courier labor and management have decided to separately put in a separate manpower dedicated to sorting the courier and limit working hours per day to 12 hours or less.

Connect with reporters covering the National Assembly. Reporter Kim Dae-geun.

Can you tell us the details of the agreement announced today?


In addition, the Democratic Party, the government, and the courier labor and management together announced measures against overwork of courier workers this morning.

Specifically, it was decided to exclude the sorting work, which was pointed out as the biggest cause of overwork, from the scope of work of courier workers.

As a result, the courier has to put in a dedicated manpower for sorting and bear the cost.

If the courier worker inevitably sorts it out, it pays a corresponding price to improve the’free labor’ practice that has been pointed out.

In addition, the goal of working hours for courier workers is up to 60 hours per week and up to 12 hours per day, and we have decided to limit late-night delivery after 9 p.m. except for unavoidable reasons.

In addition, if delivery is delayed due to the concentration of delivery during the Lunar New Year holidays, the shipper is not held liable to the delivery service provider, branches, and employees, except for serious negligence.

Democratic Party leader Nak-yeon Lee emphasized efforts to ensure that today’s agreement is well implemented in the field.

In particular, the government has asked the government to make efforts to grow logistics businesses such as parcel delivery and increase decent jobs.

Let’s listen.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표 : 오늘 합의로 모든 것이 끝나지는 않을 것입니다. 이제 시작이라고 생각합니다. 오늘 합의를 토대로 살을 붙이고 현실에 뿌리내리도록…. 특히 정부에서는 택배산업을 포함한 물류산업을 어떻게 더 키울 것인가….]

Based on this first agreement, discussions on further improvement plans will continue in the future.

It is noted whether it will have a practical effect in improving the working environment, such as solving the problem of overwork.

YTN Kim Dae-geun in the Ministry of Politics[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
