[정치]Dedicated delivery of courier classification…Restricted late-night delivery after 9 o’clock


Ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, when the courier service is crowded, various measures have been taken to solve the problem of overwork of courier workers.

The labor and management of the courier company and the party administration decided to inject a separate manpower dedicated to parcel classification, and to restrict late-night delivery after 9 o’clock unless there is a special reason.

Reporter Han Yeon-hee reports.


At the end of the marathon meeting until dawn, the Democratic Party, the government, and labor and management of the courier company agreed on measures to prevent overwork of courier workers.

The key to the agreement is that parcel sorting is excluded from the scope of courier workers’ work.

The sorting process has been criticized as’free labor’ because it does not pay wages even after a long time.

First, the parcel delivery classification work is clearly defined into main line alighting, regional classification, and vehicle and personal classification.

The basic scope of work for courier workers was limited to collecting and carrying packages.

[우원식 / 더불어민주당 민생연석회의 수석부의장 : 택배 노동자의 기본 작업 범위를 집화와 배송으로 명확하게 규정하고…. 불가피하게 택배 기사가 분류작업을 수행하는 경우 그에 상응하는 대가를 지급하며….]

The courier company decided to cover all the costs of using separate personnel for classification.

However, it is up to the government to provide budget and tax support for advanced classification work.

Courier worker working hours are limited to a maximum of 60 hours per week and a maximum of 12 hours per day.

Except for unavoidable reasons, late-night delivery after 9pm is also not available.

[김남근 / 참여연대 정책위원 ; 설 연휴 특수기간 등 불가피하게 그 이상의 심야 작업이 필요한 경우에도 밤 10시 반을 넘지 않도록 노력하기로 하였습니다.]

In addition, even if delivery is delayed due to the concentration of parcel delivery ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, it is a policy that the delivery company will not be held liable except for serious negligence.

The Democratic Party, the government, and labor and management of the courier company plan to continue discussing further improvement plans based on the first agreement.

This is YTN Han Yeon-hee.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
