[정치]”Corona 19 damage compensation” … measures to resolve inequality are temperature differences


As the self-employed people’s backlash increased due to the prolonged Corona 19, the ruling and opposition parties met with people in the affected industry at once.

Both parties agree on compensation for damage, but they have taken different directions for measures to resolve the Corona 19 inequality situation.

Connect with reporters to the National Assembly to learn more about the news. Reporter Song Jae-in!


In addition, the Democratic Party met with self-employed people all over the country to check the damage situation, right?


Yes, it is.

In addition, the Democratic Party had previously held a meeting with representatives of self-employed people across the country in the morning to check the corona 19 damage situation.

There was a tearful appeal as a number of people from businesses restricted to business such as cafes, PC rooms, and coin karaoke rooms attended.

Let’s listen for a moment.

[경기석 / 한국코인노래연습장협회 회장 : 업주들을 생각하면 피눈물이 납니다. 일하는데 살려줘야 할 것 아닙니까. 어떻게 살려주실 겁니까?]

Above all, self-employed people urged them to set up quarantine measures tailored to the characteristics of each company, and urged the easing of collective business restrictions.

Accordingly, the Democratic Party is continuing discussions with the government to supplement quarantine measures, and is also considering institutionalizing self-employed people’s loss compensation through legislation.

As a longer-term countermeasure, we are promoting a profit sharing system to resolve the polarization of Corona 19.

This is a system with the intent to share with the industry to avoid the profits of companies that enjoyed a boom in the corona 19 crisis.

After establishing the basic principle of taking private voluntary participation as a principle, today we started working on realization in earnest.

At the first meeting, which ended a little while ago, the Democratic Party decided to review domestic and foreign cases, and prioritize the bills submitted for resolving inequality in the Provisional Assembly in February.

In addition, we set a direction to expand the system so that it can be included in social welfare policies, not just to share profits between companies.


The power of the people also met people in the industry affected by Corona 19.

There is a difference in temperature with the Democratic Party when it comes to resolving inequality?


Yes, as you said, the power of the people held a meeting with people in the gym industry in the morning.

At this meeting, industry workers strongly protested that the rate of infection in indoor sports facilities was relatively low, but the government was putting collective bans on it.

This is where the people’s power is focused.

In principle, the government is responsible for the difficulties of self-employed people and economic inequality caused by Corona 19.

Let’s listen to the conference remarks for a moment.

[이종배 / 국민의힘 정책위의장 : 정부의 조치는 실효성이 거의 없는 그런 조치다. 주먹구구식 조치다라는 지적을 하지 않을 수 없습니다.]

As the people’s strength is believed to have promoted inequality with the government’s inconsistent quarantine measures, it is emphasized that the first thing to be addressed is the government’s quarantine measures.

Since then, it is the position that the sectors or companies that have suffered should be individually provided with financial support.

As such, it is clear that it opposes the profit sharing system promoted by the ruling party.

It is natural to compensate for the loss of small business owners and others caused by Corona 19, but it is not the responsibility of the company and emphasizes the government’s responsible response.

YTN Song Jae-in at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
