[정치]’Carbon tax’ fell on the instep…no carbon reduction control tower

European Parliament passed carbon border adjustment system last week
“When manufacturing imported goods, charges are charged according to the amount of carbon emission”
Government, pan-governmental carbon management organization is still inadequate
Blue House launches personnel verification under 100-person plan


The European Parliament recently concluded that imports from the next year will be charged based on how much carbon they emit in manufacturing.

Our major export items to Europe, such as steel and synthetic resins, are inevitably affected.

However, we are not sure when even the presidential committee, which must be strongly managed to reduce carbon emissions, will be launched.

Reporter Kim Joo-young reports.


Last week, the European Parliament passed a carbon border adjustment system.

In the process of making products that Europe imports, it counts how much carbon is released and then charges according to the amount of carbon, which in effect adds additional tariffs.

[야닉 자도 / 유럽 의회 의원 (지난 11일) : 탄소국경조정제도의 목표는 유럽 시장에 진출하려는 회사에, 유럽의 회사에 부과하는 것과 똑같은 제약 조건을 충족하도록 강제함으로써 불공정한 경쟁에 대응하는 것입니다.]

Among our European exports, steel, synthetic resins, and chemical raw materials are the targets, and their exports alone exceeded 6 trillion won last year.

The problem of carbon emissions could have a direct impact on our exports.

However, the Korean government is not yet equipped with a government-wide carbon management organization.

In November of last year, the president himself came forward and promised to create a committee under the direct control of the president, but it is difficult to predict when it will be launched.

[문재인 / 대통령 (지난해 11월) : 민·관이 함께 참여하는 대통령 직속 가칭 2050 탄소중립위원회를 설치하여 탄소 중립 사회로의 이행을 속도감 있게 추진해 나가겠습니다.]

Although the Blue House has initiated personnel verification under the plan to establish a committee of 100 members, the speed of the National Assembly to establish a legal basis is only slow.

The Democratic Party said it would initially pass the Basic Green New Deal Act last month, containing the basis of the Presidential Committee

[이낙연 / 당시 더불어민주당 대표 (지난달 2일) : 미래전환 10대 입법과제를 서두르겠습니다. 데이터기본법, 그린뉴딜기본법, 미래모빌리티법, 지역균형뉴딜 지원법 등을 이번 회기에 처리해주기를 부탁드립니다.]

It has not yet passed its standing committee.

Among these, world-class meetings will be held one after another to deal with environmental issues, such as the World Climate Summit next month, the P4G Seoul Summit in May, and the G7 Summit in June.

Without even having a carbon emission control tower, we have to discuss carbon reduction goals, methods, and regulations with countries around the world.

[이소영 / 더불어민주당 의원 : (앞으로는) 얼마나 탄소 감축을 열심히 하는지에 따라서 무역수지 적자와 흑자가 결정되는 시대가 도래한다는 의미라고 저는 이해를 합니다. 범부처에 강력한 (탄소절감) 계획과 실행을 추진할 수 있는 컨트롤 타워가 필요하고….]

In this regard, the Ministry of Environment, the ministry responsible for carbon reduction, announced a carbon neutral implementation plan earlier this month, and it is expected to take on that role until the committee is established.

However, there are still many doubts about whether the Ministry of Environment can succeed in reducing carbon while actually managing large government ministries such as the Ministry of Strategy and Finance and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, which are in charge of two pillars of finance and industry.

YTN Kim Joo-young[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
