[정치]Byun Chang-heum, advocating for speculative employees?…The ruling party insists on resigning

Minister Byun Chang-heum accused of speculation alleged employee advocacy
Minister Byeon made similar remarks at the National Assembly Homeland Committee meeting
Inside the ruling party, there is a claim to resign from Minister Byeon Chang-heum
The people’s strength urges Byun Chang-heum to resign… Demand for government investigation


Public opinion is rapidly deteriorating as Homeland Minister Byun Chang-heum, who was frowned upon by making comments that seemed to defend the employee regarding allegations of LH employees’ land speculation, continued to make similar comments.

Minister Byeon Chang-heum’s resignation argument, which was strongly raised around the opposition party, began to erupt in the ruling party.

Reporter Kim Joo-young reports.


After suspicions of LH employees’ land speculation were raised, then Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum, then President of LH, provoked public opinion by making comments in support of the employees.

For this reason, Nak-yeon Lee, former Democratic Party representative, was called and criticized.

However, at the first meeting of the National Assembly’s Land, Transport and Transportation Committee after the incident, Minister Byeon made a similar remark.

[김은혜 / 국민의힘 국토교통위원회 위원 (어제) : LH 직원들이 (광명·시흥의) 공공택지 개발 정보를 모르고 투자했을 것이라는 장관님 말씀은 진심이셨던 거네요.]

[변창흠 / 국토교통부 장관 (어제) : 제가 아는 경험으로는 그렇습니다. 그 전 분들은 했는지는 잘 모르겠습니다만….]

The suspicion of speculation is also growing, and as Minister Byeon’s problematic remarks have been raised, accountability has been erupted even within the ruling Democratic Party.

A key Democratic Party official said that although it was not an official discussion, some lawmakers were suggesting resignation.

Democratic Party lawmaker Park Yong-jin said he believes that the people will be fiercely raising the responsibility of Minister Byeon.

Public Relations Chairman Park Soo-hyun also strongly insisted that he should resign sooner or later.

However, the Democratic Party leadership drew a line saying that although it will be responsible for what it will be responsible for, it is not the time.

The government’s investigations and investigations come first, and it is more important to create a legal and institutional mechanism to prevent illegal activities.

[김태년 / 더불어민주당 당 대표 직무대행 : 고위공직자나 정무직 공직자가 책임질 일이 있으면 당연히 책임을 지는 거죠. 그런데 지금은 조사 결과도 아직 안 나와 있는 상황이고….]

The people’s strength, which is holding back the reins of the offensive, is strongly demanding the resignation of Minister Byeon.

In addition, it is argued that the audit of the Audit and Inspection Service, the investigation by the prosecution, and the National Assembly investigation should be carried out at once.

[주호영 / 국민의힘 원내대표 (BBS 박경수의 아침저널) : 변창흠 장관은 지금 LH 직원들의 부동산 투기가 문제 된 시점에 책임자로 있었지 않습니까. 변창흠 장관, 사퇴하든지 해임해야 하고, 국정조사가 필요하다 이런 입장입니다.]

Although the government is emphasizing a strong response, negative public opinion is high over the current situation, and as the April by-election is also approaching, the controversy over Minister Byeon’s move is expected to intensify.

YTN Kim Joo-young[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
