[정치]Busan Mayor Candidate’s Representative Pledge?…”Early Construction of New Airport” vs.’Urban Loop’

[강진원 앵커]

It is said that the atmosphere of the Busan by-election election is as hot as Seoul.

[박상연 앵커]

Democratic Party Kim Young-chun turned over, the power of the people Candidate Hyung-joon Park was struggling to keep the approval ratings, and the two candidates have been fierce competition.

I will connect YTN Busan special studio. Kim Young-soo anchor!

[김영수 앵커]

This is a special YTN studio located in Yongho-dong, Busan.

[박상연 앵커]

Please tell us in detail about the Busan election situation.

[김영수 앵커]

I continue to work with reporter Baek Jong-gyu from the Ministry of Politics.

Reporter Baek, the protagonist of the seat of the Busan Mayor’s Office on the 7th floor of Busan City Hall will be decided as early as today and tomorrow at the latest, right?

[백종규 기자]

The time when the outline of the winners will be revealed will be different depending on the counting situation, but it is expected that the winners will be decided by the mayor of Busan as well as Seoul by early morning tomorrow.

There is not much time left to confirm the results of public sentiment toward a new worker, Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun, who put the lead in revitalizing the economy, and Park Hyeong-jun, the power of the people, who emphasized the theory of government judgment.

[김영수 앵커]

Haven’t we summarized the last election campaign comments of the opposition party candidates and the allegations raised so far?

This time, I’m going to take a look at the candidates’ commitments.

Reporter Baek! I think the candidates have a common promise. What promises?

[백종규 기자]

First of all, one thing is to save the lagging local economy in Busan and create jobs for young people.

The second is a pledge related to the new airport of Gadeokdo Island.

Regarding the new airport, both candidates agree on the construction of the new airport in a large frame, but when it comes to details, there are some areas with different commitments.

[김영수 기자]

Now, let’s take a look at the pledge of Democratic candidate Kim Young-chun.

Isn’t Kim’s commitment to early construction of a new airport in Gaduk Island and to host the 2030 World Expo, right?

[백종규 기자]

First, let’s listen to the pledge made by Candidate Kim.

[김영춘 / 더불어민주당 부산시장 후보 (지난달 28일) : 가덕 신공항을 조기 착공하고 2030 세계 엑스포를 조기 유치하고 경부선 철도를 지하화하는 등이 천지개벽 프로젝트의 핵심입니다. 우선 가덕 신공항은 세계엑스포 유치뿐만 아니라 부울경 메가시티를 글로벌 경제 중심지로 만드는 핵심 인프라 역할을 하게 될 것입니다.]

Candidate Kim is no exaggeration to say that Gadukdo’all-in’ to the new airport.

There is also a pledge to return the profits from the new airport in Gadeok Island to the citizens of Busan.

It also promises to create 1.3 million jobs in five years by successfully hosting the 2030 Busan World Expo by opening a new airport early.

In addition, the core of the pledge is to relocate the Gyeongbu line to create a forest path in the remaining space, and to save the local economy by establishing a digital asset exchange and a shipping exchange to make Busan a leading city in the 4th industrial revolution.

Like the Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun, mayor of Seoul, he also pledged 100,000 won for disaster support.

[김영수 앵커]

The People’s Power Candidate Hyung-Jun Park also made a pledge to revive the local economy, but it seems to be a bit different.

We will also listen to Candidate Park’s pledge.

[박형준 / 국민의힘 부산시장 후보 (지난달 28일) : 핵심공약으로 내세우는 것은 그래서 청년이 여기 머물게 하고 들어오게 하고 또 좋은 청년이 들어오게 하고 그 청년을, 인재를 보고 기업이 투자를 하게 만드는 그리고 기업과 인재를 보고 금융이 함께 따라 들어오는 이런 선순환 흐름을 만들고자 하는 것입니다.]

Candidate Park seems to have focused on creating youth jobs among economic pledges.

Let’s take a look at some of the key commitments?

[백종규 기자]

Candidate Park’s key pledge is to build urban loops, an urban high-speed train that connects Gijang-gun and the new airport on Gadeokdo Island from the North Port.

It also emphasizes the creation of youth jobs.

Through industry-academia cooperation in which 24 universities participate, we are making a pledge to create 50,000 urban-style jobs and increase the youth employment rate to 60%.

In addition, it has pledged to foster artificial intelligence-related companies and to create a start-up fund worth KRW 1.2 trillion.

[김영수 앵커]

There is also a pledge of controversial opposition candidates.

First of all, what kind of pledge of Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun do you think is problematic?

[백종규 앵커]

There was a controversy when Candidate Kim’s side put up banners in various places in Busan saying that if he became the mayor, he would pay 100,000 won for disaster support.

Critics are raising voices of criticism that it is a clear act of buying voters to pay disaster assistance if the people’s strength is given.

They say they are blatantly reviving the makgeolli elections and the rubber shoes elections that disappeared 40 years ago for the Democratic Party.

They also responded that it is undermining the citizenship of Busan to see that the vote will change if the citizens pay 100,000 won each.

[김영수 앵커]

The Democratic Party also seems to have voiced criticism among the pledges of candidate Park Hyung-jun.

What are your promises?

[백종규 앵커]

This is Urban Loop’s commitment.

Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun has criticized Park’s urban loop pledge since the beginning of the campaign as a typical event pledge.

In addition, it is a situation that is persistently attacking Candidate Park, stressing that it is not a business that has been secured and verified for safety and commerciality, and emphasized that it is the clearest pledge in the public.

[김영수 앵커]

So far, we have looked at the pledges of the opposition candidates in the Busan mayor.

At 3 PM, let’s take a look at the public sentiment of Busan.

Until now, I have delivered it to YTN special studio in Yongho-dong, Busan.

Baek Jong-gyu [[email protected]]
