[정치]Both parties’ approval ratings rise together…Rights and parties have just risen before the full-scale by-election


As the by-election neared, the supporters gathered, and the approval ratings of the Democratic Party and the people’s power increased together.

In Seoul, the Democratic Party’s approval rating has outpaced the people’s strength in two months since the end of November last year.

Connect with reporters to the National Assembly. Reporter Baek Jong-gyu!

In addition, it is not common for the Democratic Party and the people’s power to increase in approval ratings. Why did this happen?


Unless there is a special event, this is uncommon, and it seems that the by-election issue was at play.

YTN commissioned Real Meter to increase the approval rate for each party during the 4th week of January.

The Democratic Party recorded 33.3%, up 0.5%p from last week, and the power of the people rose 1.9%p to 30.5%.

The rise in the approval ratings of both parties in the ruling and opposition parties seems to be due to the approaching of the re-election as the liberal and conservatives gathered respectively, and the middle class began to decide support for each party.

In Seoul, where the by-election is held, the Democratic Party and the People’s Strength approval rate stood at 32.4% and 28.5%, respectively, and the Democratic Party approval rate surpassed the people’s strength for the first time in nine weeks since the end of November last year.

In addition, the Democratic Party hurriedly apologized for the sexual scandal of the former mayors, which started the by-election, and entered the by-election.

The Democratic Party Nomination Management Committee decided to register for preliminary candidates by tomorrow and conduct online national interviews for prospective candidates on the 1st of the following month.

Citizen interviews are conducted through YouTube broadcasting in a way that citizens and citizens directly participate.

The power of the people started the election race before the Democrats.

A little while ago, in BEXCO, Busan, an open political opinion presentation of eight candidates for the Busan by-election was held.

It was a vision storytelling PT method, where candidates freely expressed their policies or commitments for 7 minutes.

The common key keywords that the candidates put forward today were revitalizing the Busan economy, creating jobs, attracting new airports to Gaduk Island, and judging the regime.

Tomorrow, announcements by candidates for the mayor of Seoul will be held in Seoul.

The Justice Party’s approval rating declined slightly due to the sexual harassment of former CEO Kim Jong-cheol.

In this regard, the Justice Party Today’s Gender Equality Organizational Culture Improvement Task Force came up with the first measures today.

The point is that we will annually survey all party members on their perceptions of gender equality and organizational culture and come up with measures to improve them accordingly.

In addition, a strict policy to deal with secondary damage was put forth.

[배복주 / 정의당 부대표 : 이번 사건으로 발생되는 2차 피해는 성폭력 관련 변호사를 포함하여 전담팀 등을 구성하는 것을 고려하여 적극 대응해 나가겠습니다.]

In addition, we plan to distribute a response manual that prioritizes the protection of victims’ human rights and return to daily life.


The power of the people who created controversy by comparing Democratic Party lawmaker Goh Kohn-jeong to’concubine’, Congressman Jo Su-jin, who criticized not only the Democratic Party but also the people’s strength, finally apologized today, right?


Rep. Soo-jin Cho, who was criticized for using contemporaneous expressions for Congressman Goh Kohn-jung, finally apologized.

Rep. Cho deleted an article on concubine from his SNS and posted an apology saying that he was sorry for the fact that the figurative expression was politically controversial, contrary to the original purpose.

Until yesterday, the Democratic Party had been criticizing that it was holding a horsetail and was launching a low-quality offensive, and Congressman Ko first insisted on apologizing to the former mayor, but he stepped back in a day.

It was said that it was too much or too much within the power of the people.

It seems that the leadership’s opinion that we should not create a useless controversy ahead of the election.

Despite Cho’s apology, however, the Democratic Party publicly called for a resignation at a meeting this morning.

[홍정민 / 더불어민주당 원내대변인 : 사과라고 할 수도 없고 내용의 진정성도 없습니다. 자신의 취지는 옳은데 비유적 표현이 정치적 논쟁의 대상이 됐다는 것이 안타깝다는 내용이 주된 내용입니다.]

In addition, the power of the people immediately disciplined Congressman Cho and pressed him to clarify the party’s position.

As scheduled this morning, the Democratic Party also submitted a disciplinary bill for Rep. Cho to the Special Ethics Committee of the National Assembly.

YTN Baek Jong-kyu at the National Assembly so far[[email protected]]is.
