[정치]Biden government launched D-3… Will the’North Korean Nuclear Resolution’ speed up?


I am interested in whether the negotiations for denuclearization of North Korea, which had been stalemate for a long time, can progress again after US President Biden takes office three days later.

The new government’s diplomatic and security lines were filled with experts on the Korean peninsula, and although they understand the North Korean nuclear issue well, it is difficult to be optimistic.

This is reporter Dowon Kim.


The Biden administration’s diplomatic and security lines are returning a large number of bureaucrats during the Obama administration.

These people are also experienced in the situation on the Korean Peninsula and the North Korean nuclear issue.

In particular, Wendy Sherman, who was nominated for the Deputy Secretary of State, met Kim Jong-il as the North Korean policy coordinator during the Clinton administration, and was deeply involved in Iran’s nuclear negotiations during the Obama administration.

At the same time, the nominee of Secretary of State Tony Blincoln also presented the Iranian nuclear agreement as a model for the North Korean nuclear solution.

Rather than asking for a’big deal’ like the Trump administration, it is expected to attempt phased denuclearization through negotiations.

Even if North America negotiates, the process is not expected to be smooth.

Although the Iranian nuclear negotiation model is presented, it is difficult to see that North Korea has a much higher level of nuclear development than Iran at the time and will readily accept thorough verification.

It is unclear whether the United States will also accept the so-called withdrawal of the so-called hostilities against North Korea, which North Korea has repeatedly demanded by advocating strong versus strong and good versus good at the 8th Party Congress.

However, as Biden emphasized strengthening the alliance, there is also an expectation that the opinions of our allies will be further reflected in North Korea policy.

Instead, the pressure to join as an alliance in the US checks against China could also increase.

[김현욱 / 국립외교원 교수 : 한미동맹을 중국 견제를 위해서 끌어들이기 위해서는 대북정책에 있어서는 한국 정부의 목소리를 어느 정도 유연하게 들어줄 가능성은 있다고 보거든요.]

It will take several months for the Biden administration’s diplomatic and security team to be reorganized and North Korea policy to be established.

The government believes that the Biden administration is fully aware of the urgency of the North Korean nuclear issue, and it is a policy to closely consult for rapid policy establishment.

This is YTN Kim Do-won.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
