[정치]All efforts to persuade Chief Min Jeong…


In order to change the mind of Shin Hyun-soo, the head of the Blue House Min Jeong, who does not disregard his appreciation, the Blue House as well as the ruling party is putting all his might.

However, there are many skepticisms that it will be difficult for Shin chief to dismiss his appreciation.

It is noteworthy how Shin’s position will be on the Monday he returns from his vacation.

Reporter Hong Sun-ki reports.


He took off his feet from his passport to persuade Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, who went on vacation without expressing his gratitude.

Democratic Party President Lee Nak-yeon confided that he is persuading Chief Shin through key channels at the ruling party’s high-ranking level.

[이낙연 / 더불어민주당 대표(어제) : 소수의 고위급 소통이 진행되고 있다. 빨리 해결되길 바랍니다.]

Earlier, the Blue House also shared the news of Chief Shin’s vacation, and did not hide the desire to come back after the vacation.

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye, who is the party to the disturbance of Chief Min Jeong-suk, also expressed his apology to Chief Shin, which is ambiguous.

[박범계 / 법무부 장관 : 참으로 제 마음이 아픕니다. 보다 더 소통하겠다는 그런 말씀을 드리겠습니다.]

It is the appearance of the Blue House, as well as the ruling party and the Minister of Justice, and Chief Shin is trying to give up his appreciation and return.

However, even inside the ruling party, skepticism of the return of the chief civil servant is emerging.

As for personnel matters, it is also not desirable to see President Moon’s repeated demeanor.

[신동근 / 더불어민주당 최고위원(어제) : 정부 내부에서 이견으로 갈등 있는 건 피할 수 없습니다. 그렇다더라도 이 갈등이 관리되지 않고 이런 식으로 언론에 버젓이 공개되는 건 바람직하지 않습니다.]

In addition, there are many realistic negative arguments that the scars of the controversy’passing’ are too big for Shin to return after giving up his gratitude.

With the skepticism of returning to the skepticism of returning to the last anticipation of the return of Chief Min Jeong, attention is focused on what conclusions Shin will bring to the senior advisors meeting on Monday.

YTN Hong Seonki[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
