[정치]Ahn Cheol-soo’s surprise’worthy’ suggestion, the power of the people, “Come right away”


As the time limit for the unification of the opposition mayor of Seoul is imminent, candidate Ahn Chul-soo of the People’s Party made a surprise proposal for worthy of the people’s strength.

Candidate Se-hoon Oh and the power of the people were asked to join the party right away, discussing concessions on the polling method.

Even in the first and last TV debate, there was a tenacious battle over the issue of participation and each other’s weaknesses.

This is reporter Woo Cheol-hee.


Candidate Ahn Chul-soo of the People’s Party of Seoul suddenly volunteered for a press conference.

A reasonable offer!

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 서울시장이 되어, 국민의당 당원동지들의 뜻을 얻어 국민의힘과 합당을 추진하겠습니다.]

It is a 180-degree change from the existing attitude that has always drawn a line for participation and worthy demands, and it can be interpreted that the judgment that it is possible to overcome the recent inferiority and become a single candidate only if we win the hearts of supporters of the people’s strength.

Earlier, the power of the people, who was designated by Candidate Chul-soo Ahn as the’Sang King’ that hinders unity, showed a trembling response, Chairman Kim Jong-in of the Emergency Response Committee.

[김종인 / 국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 국민의힘 기호로는 당선이 불가능하다고 안 한다고 하던 사람인데 왜 갑자기 무슨 합당이니 이런 얘기를 이제 와서 하는지 잘 이해가 가지 않아요.]

Even in the TV debate, which agreed to open only once ahead of the unification of the candidates, the issue of valuation became an issue.

Candidate Se-hoon Oh demanded that the party be admitted immediately, saying that it is not easy physically to be worthy of the party, and that it is practically difficult to support the party level because he is awkward with Chairman Kim Jong-in.

The political party that led it was gradually shrinking, and the people with whom he had been with have left.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 지금이라도 입당을 결심하신다면 제가 화답하는 의미에서 안철수 후보 진영이 주장하는 여론조사 방식에 동의하겠다, 경쟁력 조사 방식으로 동의하겠다고 제안하는 것이고요.]

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 박원순 무소속 후보와 당시 야당이던 민주당이 서로 경선해서 무소속 박원순 후보가 단일 후보가 됐습니다. 그때 어떤 조직적인 문제나 돈 문제나 유세 문제 같은 게 없었습니다.]

Candidate Chul-soo Ahn persistently digs into Candidate Se-hoon Oh’s weaknesses.

About the resignation of free meals, I asked if it makes sense for the children to go to universal welfare, and that they did not know about the suspicion of self-compensation in Naegok-dong.

[안철수 / 국민의당 서울시장 후보 : 2008년 공직자 재산 신고를 보면 서초구 내곡동 106번지, 110번지라고 기재됐는데요. 공직자 재산 신고에 분명하게 기재됐는데 이 땅 정말로 모르셨습니까?]

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 이 처가 땅에 10년 전 수용과 보상 문제로 인해서 혹시라도 뭘 관여했거나 밝혀지면 책임지는 정도가 아니라 후보직 사퇴하겠다니까요.]

Amidst a sudden worthy proposal, the dice of fate for unification were thrown as the TV debate ended with just one TV debate set aside for each other.

YTN Woo Chul-hee[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
