[정치]Advanced small armed helicopter, LAH, OK’joint battle’ with UAVs and satellites


A small armed helicopter developed in Korea, LAH, will be linked with an unmanned aerial vehicle to increase the survival rate and operational effectiveness by 50%.

In addition, joint operations have become possible with data links that share tactical information through wired, wireless and satellite.

Reporter Lee Seung-yoon on the report.


LAH, a small attack helicopter, rushes to the assault by the sudden appearance of an enemy.

As soon as the wheel touches the ground, it rises vertically and prepares for a counterattack.

High-speed flight acrobatics are also possible in reverse.

LAH transformed a civilian helicopter into a military helicopter in Korea in 2011 to replace the old attack helicopter of the army.

It has excellent mobility and is armed with air-to-ground missiles, machine guns, and rocket bombs, allowing it to attack tanks, cover air assault troops, and search missions.

[김진수 / KAI 수석 시험 비행 조종사 : 제가 경험했던 기종 중에서는 기동성이 거의 탑 1~3위 안에 들어갈 정도로 기동성이 우수한 항공기입니다. 수리온에 익숙한 조종사들이라면 바로 LAH에도 적응하고, 최고 전투력을 낼 수 있는….]

In particular, it is a plan to increase the survival rate and operational effectiveness by 50% compared to a single helicopter operation with a manned and unmanned complex system that is linked with UAVs and UAVs.

For the first time in a helicopter, joint operations are possible by attaching a data link that shares real-time tactical information through wired, wireless and satellite communication.

[이보형 준장 / 방위사업청 헬기 사업부 : UAV로부터 표적을 전달 받거나 지상 통제소에서 표적을 전송 받으면 그 표적 있는 데로 항공기 기축을 바로 틀어줘요. 무장 모드로 전환해주고….]

We also made plans to deliver 212 units to the army and target overseas markets such as Thailand, Vietnam, UAE, Malaysia, and the Philippines, but there are many mountains to overcome.

The engine and gearbox are made in foreign countries and the localization rate is 60%.

Competition with Indian, Chinese, Turkish, Italian, and French helicopters was also challenging, so we decided to challenge ourselves with only a third of Apache helicopters.

The LAH small attack helicopter is expected to enter mass production from next year and knock on the Southeast Asian market.

YTN Lee Seung-yoon[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
