[정치]Adoption of the ruling party’s exclusive hearing report…Appointment of Attorney General Park Bum-gye

Failure to agree on the ruling party hearing report… Adopted solely by the ruling party
27th ministerial figure appointed without opposition party consent


President Moon Jae-in approved the appointment of Justice Minister Park Bum-gye.

Previously, the ruling and opposition parties failed to agree on the adoption of the personnel hearing report, and this time again, the ruling party was appointed to the ministerial level, which adopted the report alone.

Reporter Hong Sun-ki reports.


The half legislative and judicial committee was finished in two minutes.

It is a place to adopt the personnel hearing report for the Minister of Justice, but the opposition party was absent.

[윤호중 / 국회 법제사법위원장 : 배부해드린 안과 같이 채택하고자 하는데 이의 있으십니까? 가결됐음을 선포합니다.]

Earlier, the National Assembly held a personnel hearing for more than 13 hours on the 25th, the deadline for the hearing report, but failed to adopt the report due to agreement between the opposition parties.

Eventually, President Moon Jae-in extended the deadline for two days and requested that the report be submitted again, and the ruling party alone adopted the personnel hearing report.

President Moon Jae-in approved the appointment of Justice Minister Park Beom-gye immediately after the report was handed over by the National Assembly.

As a result, the new Justice Minister Park Bum-gye was named another ministerial figure who was appointed by the current government without opposition party consent.

This is the third consecutive time as the attorney general responsible for reforming the prosecution.

Recently, hearing reports to National Intelligence Service Director Park Ji-won and Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport were adopted and appointed without the consent of the opposition party.

President Moon has been emphasizing opposition agreements whenever he has an opportunity, but as the number of ministers who are unable to obtain agreement from the opposition party increases, criticism is likely to be raised that the meaning of agreements is fading.

This is YTN Hong Seon-ki.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
