[정치]Additional countermeasures for’child abuse’… reality remains unchanged despite repeated measures


In relation to the so-called’Jung Ini case’, the government held an emergency meeting of related ministers and came up with measures such as strengthening the adoption process.

However, we are preparing countermeasures whenever a child abuse case breaks out, but the reality is that we are stepping into place.

Reporter Hong Sun-ki reports.


The so-called’Jung-in-i case’, in which an adopted child died of parental abuse, raised the public’s resentment, and the government held an emergency meeting with relevant ministers.

At this meeting, it was discussed how to strictly verify prospective adoptive parents and strengthen follow-up management after adoption.

In addition, countermeasures such as the creation of a new department in charge of child abuse in all cities, counties and districts across the country have been introduced.

However, the government’s countermeasures against child abuse have been repeated whenever related cases have become a major problem.

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun, who presided over the emergency meeting, also acknowledged this point.

[정세균 / 국무총리 : 그동안 정부가 여러 차례 대책을 마련해서 추진하고 있음에도 ‘정인이 사건’과 같은 충격적인 아동학대 범죄가 근절되지 않고 있어 총리로서 송구스럽고 안타깝게 생각합니다.]

President Moon Jae-in also ordered countermeasures whenever a child abuse incident as well as the Jung-in incident occurred.

They even ordered reinforcement of the workforce, asking them to take care of the abused children with their mother’s heart.

On Police Day last year, we also praised the police for their efforts to prevent child abuse.

[문재인 / 대통령 (지난해 10월 경찰의날 기념사) : 유관 기관과 아동학대 점검팀을 구성해, 돌봄 사각지대에 놓인 위기 아동을 발굴하고, 8,500명의 재학대 위기 아동을 집중점검 했습니다.]

However, in this case, the poor response of the police, as well as the abuse of the adoptive parents, turned out to be fading from the public outrage.

The Blue House explained that a stronger response will be possible from March when the amendment to the Child Welfare Act goes into effect, but it remains unclear whether it can eradicate child abuse crimes.

YTN Hong Seon-ki[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
