[정치]6411 Park Young-sun on the’Roh Hoe-chan Bus’…


One day ahead of the election, the Democratic Party Mayor Park Young-seon started the schedule on a bus called the’Roh Hoe-chan Bus’ and focused on mobilizing the progressives.

Power of the People Candidate Se-hoon Oh has focused on targeting inferior regions, starting with Gwangjin-gu, which was unsuccessful in the general election last year.

This is reporter Lee Gyeong-guk.


The last day of the election campaign.

Democratic candidate Park Young-seon got on the first bus of bus number 6411, which departs at 4 am.

The bus that travels between Guro and Gangnam became widely known when the late Rep. Noh Hoe-chan conveyed the sorrows of the common people who go to work at dawn.

[故 노회찬 의원 / 진보정의당 대표 수락연설 (지난 2012년) : (버스에 탄 분들은) 존재하되 그 존재를 우리가 느끼지 못하고 함께 살아가는 분들입니다.]

Candidate Park on this bus is interpreted as a pledge to take care of the lives of the common people and to appeal for wide support from the progressive camp, including the supporters of the Justice Party.

Candidate Park reached out to the Justice Party lawmaker Sang-jung Shim earlier, but the Justice Party is calling for the Democratic Party to become self-reliant every day.

[이동영 / 정의당 수석대변인 : 공직자 부동산 투기에 시민들이 왜 그토록 절망하고 분노하고 있는지, (민주당이) 도덕적 비판의 기준과 잣대를 스스로 엄격하게 적용했는지….]

Candidate Park later visited areas with strong support for the Democratic Party, such as Seodaemun and Eunpyeong-gu, and focused on building the last-minute mark.

He soothe the angry public sentiment, and the offensive over the suspicion of the Naegok-dong land of candidate Oh Se-hoon, the power of the people, continued.

[박영선 / 더불어민주당 서울시장 후보 : 뼈를 깎는 심정으로 달라지겠다고 진심으로 약속드렸습니다. 거짓이 큰소리치는 세상을 막아주십시오.]

Candidate Se-hoon Oh started his campaign on the last day in Gwangjin-gu, where he was unsuccessful during last year’s general election.

The reason for choosing Gwangjin-gu was to say hello to the residents of the district, and was wary of expanding interpretation, but this time, it seems that there is a willingness to win.

Next, instead of Gangnam and Yongsan, which are the traditional bases of the people’s power, we focused on targeting the Gangbuk region, which has been classified as an inferior region.

The conservatives are determined to have already gathered together, and they are willing to expand their boundaries further.

In the course of the campaign, it repeatedly emphasized the theory of judgment against the government and the ruling party, stimulating the votes of the youth.

[오세훈 / 국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 위선과 무능과 ‘내로남불’을 보면서 청년들이 얼마나 피가 끓으면 이제 국민의힘에 기대를 걸어보겠다, 눈길을 돌리기 시작했습니다.]

Looking at the movements of the candidates on the last day of the campaign, we can get a glimpse of the performance they are expecting.

The time is approaching to see what the hearts of real voters are like.

YTN Lee Kyung-guk[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
