[정치]23 people, including’speculation suspicion’ civil servants, were caught…


An additional 23 local government officials and employees of public corporations, who were suspicious of speculation in the third new city, were caught.

The Blue House’s own thorough investigation also revealed a case of suspected speculation by a security officer.

Reporter Na Yeon-soo reports.


As a result of a joint government survey of 8,700 local government officials and local public corporations related to the 3rd new town, 28 people traded on land.

Of these, 23 are suspected of speculation.

Including 10 Gwangmyeong City Hall, 18 public officials including Ansan, Siheung, and Hanam City Hall, and 5 local public corporations including Bucheon City Corporation.

The remaining five are presumed to be family gifts.

[최창원 / 정부합동조사단장 : 정부합동조사단은 투기의심자 23명을 수사 의뢰 조치하고 증여 추정 사례 5명의 거래 내역은 특별수사본부에 이첩하여 수사에 활용토록 하겠습니다.]

In addition to land transactions, 237 people also made housing transactions such as apartments and villas in areas adjacent to the 3rd new town.

The Joint Investigation Team plans to hand over the list of 127 investigation targets who did not give consent to provide personal information this time to the Special Investigation Headquarters, along with these data, to look into whether there are suspicions of speculation.

It is explained that an investigation into spouses and direct descendants of employees who are not included in this investigation will also be conducted at the Special Investigation Headquarters.

One suspicious case was found in a self-investigation of 3,458 people, including all employees of the Blue House, including all executives and subordinates of direct lineage.

As a fourth-level manager who has worked in the security office since 2002, he purchased 413㎡ of land in Gwangmyeong jointly with his brother and his family in September last year, and his elder brother was none other than an LH employee.

[정만호 / 청와대 국민소통수석 : 경호처는 2002년부터 근무한 해당 직원을 지난 16일 사실관계 확인 즉시 대기발령 조치했고, 명확한 사실관계 확인과 위법성 판단을 위해 정부합동특별수사본부에 관련 자료를 전달할 예정입니다.]

The Blue House explained that it discovered three more individual transactions in the third new town and nearby areas, but none of them were seen as speculation using public information.

However, it has stated that it will deliver related matters in a special edition so as not to leave a single suspicion.

YTN Na Yeon-su[[email protected]]is.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
