[정치][현장영상] Prime Minister Jung “Keep a distance, watch the situation and consider the effects of quarantine and pain on the site”


The Corona 19 Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters meeting is currently being held at the Seoul Government Complex, presided over by Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun.

Let’s listen to all the comments of Prime Minister Chung’s meeting a while ago

[정세균 / 국무총리]

The social distancing phase, currently in effect, is expected to end after this weekend.

In today’s script, he wanted to decide on a new distance adjustment plan, but he decided to watch the corona19 situation a little more and make a careful decision.

We ask for your understanding.

The number of confirmed cases, which had declined until last weekend, is increasing again this week.

It is difficult to determine as a temporary phenomenon caused by large-scale group infection from IM Mission, and some experts interpret it as a harbinger of a recurrence.

On the other hand, self-employed and small business owners across the country are appealing that they can no longer endure business as they have been unable to do business properly due to strong quarantine measures that have been sustained for two months.

However, in such an unstable situation, if you make a wrong judgment ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday, we are very careful because you can destroy the quarantine bank that has been hard-earned with the patience and participation of the people.

The government will analyze the situation a little more closely and carefully consider the effects of quarantine, the pain of people’s livelihood, and the acceptability of the field to find the best plan.

Yesterday, the government reported to the public about the plan for the COVID-19 vaccination.

We have guided you through the quarterly vaccination schedule, but we will promptly report on specific details such as when, how long, and who will receive the vaccination.

The KCDC and related ministries are urged to listen to the opinions of various fields and communicate with an open mind throughout the vaccination process.

Please inform us transparently at that time so that there are no issues that the people misunderstand or have questions about.

In order for the actual vaccination to proceed according to the announced plan and to form collective immunity by the end of November, the participation and cooperation of both the government, local governments, the medical community, and the public is urgent.

We hope to become a leading country that makes a successful case for K immunization following K quarantine with perfect preparation without leaking water.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza still occurs on poultry farms across the country.

In particular, due to the killing of more than 11 million laying hens, the price of eggs has soared more than 30% compared to the normal year, and the price burden of shopping carts has increased before the New Year.

Imported eggs began to be distributed on the market from the day before yesterday, and 1.8 million domestic eggs stocked by the government have been supplied at a lower price than the market price since yesterday.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food urges the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to thoroughly monitor the market situation and actively take necessary measures so that the public can experience the stability of egg prices on site along with thorough quarantine.

Thank you.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
